Subject: Grail: Treaty of Algeron-Parker: A time for mourning

OOC- This post will tie up a few things since I haven't been around.


Parker just smirked at the surprised expression on DeMontigny's face when he told him that the person he was referring to as a "Babe" was the new first officer. It still surprised him how young officers needed refinement in the protocols of duty at times.

<Attention all hands. We are standing down from Red alert. ((add details of funeral here)).>

"Well you heard the man people. Return your stations to yellow alert stand-by mode. Asst. officers call your replacements and get to your quarters and change into your dress uniform." ...the Major said.

*Over 20 years in Star Fleet and I still can't stand those DAMN dress uniforms. At least they had seen fit to shorten those "Dresses" we had to wear since I was in service last.* ..Parker thought.

All around the battle bridge there were the mumbled "okay's" and "yes Ma'ams" that usually accompanied an order to get into dress uniforms.

In the back of Parker's mind stirred an emotion that he had not felt since his mate, Ladybird, had died at the hands of the Romulans. It was affection. Love. Passion. It was directed towards the new first officer. Parker's mind was torn in two over the feelings. One half of his mind said "She is your Commanding officer." ...the other said "Oh the beauty. The perfect women. Free me, Love me." Parker had to take a moment to clear his thoughts and once again a line them to work together as one.

Noticing that he had been standing in one spot for a moment, he turned on his heel and made a quick retreat to the turbolift and sped off to his quarters. How easily the thoughts and emotions came flooding back. Parker had tried for many years to suppress the major emotions that his first love evoked. But to no avail. The best his mind could do was to push the feelings to the back of the mind. They were always there. They always would be. He would never forget her. But this new women. She was beautiful... she was..

*Damn it. Control! Always Control!* ...he thought. And his mind once again was at peace for the time being.

Having done that, he quickly changed into his dress uniform and headed to the replicator for a quick bite to eat. He ordered his usual Cheeseburger and fries with a Pepsi and ate them down quick. Then headed out the door towards the funeral.

As he entered he saw the sight that he had seen many times over. In the room sat the standard coffin/ torpedo tube. And draped over it was the flag of the Federation. Captain Cochran lay beneath. This posting was not the first time that he had met the Captain. Years before when he was still serving as a Lt. Commander on the Tristen he had had the honor of serving with the Captain when he (Parker) had taken command in the absence of the Captain and the first officer. The Tristen and Cochran's ship had helped repel an attack by three Romulan Warbirds against a Starbase. The Captain was a brilliant man. Parker was ashamed that Starfleet had once again disgraced one of it's best by putting them in an "undesired" situation. But unlike most of his friends, Cochran got his funeral. Most of the operatives in Special OPS that hadn't made it back from behind enemy lines were "forgotten". No Funerals. No friends and Family. Not even an acknowledgement of their accomplishments. They were to be merely dismissed.

Parker remembered the day that he had marched into the Admiral's office and demanded that Ladybird get what she was due.


Dammit Sir! She has died in the line of duty and you wont even tell her

family on Vulcan what has happened."

"Please Sulak. You know that we explained what happened to the family." ...he said.

"No you didn't. You told them that she died in an accidental shuttle explosion on shore leave. You don't even have nerve to tell them she died in the line of duty." ...and with that he slammed both of fists into the solid oak desk leaving only splinters and fist size holes at the edges.

"Calm down Sulak. We both know how your temper can get out of control." ...the Admiral said.

Oh yes. Parker knew that for sure. He also knew how much the man was afraid of him. He liked to use this fear to his advantage.

"You will honor her in at least the way that duty demands. At the very least a funeral." ...Parker said.

"You know that I will not budge on this. You both took the oath that goes with this branch of the service."

*The oath...>THE OATH...> The Damned OATH*


"...Lt.....LT. Parker." ...someone was saying from behind him.

"Yes sir. Sorry sir." ...Parker said to the Commander.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes Commander. I was just remembering old....Friends." ...he said with a slight pause.

"Did you and the Captain know each other?"

"Yes sir. I also know that he was your father. I've known for a long time." ...he said.


How is that for Fun John. Is it alright??

Jeremy Delaney

Lt(jg) Tom Hawkins—Starbase 109--Chief Engineer

Admiral Ilea Hawkins—Gateway Commander

Lt(jg) John Parker—USS Grail—Asst. Chief OPS

"USS Enterprise Shakedown crew's report. I think this new ship was put

together by Monkeys. Sure she's got a fine engine, but half the doors won't

open. And guess who's job it is to make it right."

-Captain Montgomery Scott-

"It is a far far better thing that I am doing, then I have ever done before.."