Subject: Grail: "Treaty of Algeron"- `Funeral Arrangements'

<<Stardate 47307.16 18:00>>

<<Cooking Staff break room ==> Terrakian's office>>

Vincent took off his apron as he walked into the breakroom. Dripping with sweat from the hot food and fast service, Vincent dabbed the clean part of his apron on his forehead to remove the perspiration. He looked over to his right, and saw the two Norvian that would be taking the next shift. He slightly nodded to them as they picked up their clean aprons, and they greeted him with a similarly enthusiastic gesture. Vincent threw his apron into the soiled clothing bin and slammed it shut. It was a tough day for him, having to do all the work by himself. He looked around the room, half way hoping that Frobo, his blue skinned co-worker that was supposed to work with him on this shift. Seeing no sign of him, Vincent walked over to the message machine (one of the few machines he was given clearance to use by Starfleet). Vincent looked over the messages, most of which had no meaning to him. The standard list of complaints and questions that he would have to get to some other time, some random notes from one shift to the next, and an message from Frobo saying he was sick. Vincent snickered seeing the last message. *Frobo's probably with his girlfriend on one of those holodeck vacations* he thought.

A new message flashed upon the screen. It caught Vincent's eye, since the words URGENT were posted all over the top. As he scanned the message, he shook his head.

Yeoman Vincent Rogers,

As you may know, our beloved Captain has passed away. You are requested to meet with Commander Epic Terrakian to discuss plans for the funeral at 22:00 with a reception afterwards in the 10-Forward lounge. We understand that this is short notice, but you and your staff will be compensated for your time and effort.

Vincent shut down the message board and turned away. Why did this have to come up now? He didn't know anything about funeral arrangements. He had only taken the job because he barely had the security clearance to operate a food replicator.

Smashing the button with his right hand, Vincent opened the sliding door out into the hallway. Recalling from his memory of the ship plans, he walked over to the turbolift and waited for it to arrive. When it did, he regained some of his composure and stepped aboard the turbolift.

Arriving at the correct deck, Vincent walked down the hallway towards the Commander's. Looking down, he pressed the button to alert the Commander of his presence. The door slid open, revealing the acting captain in his chair. Vincent cleared his throat and tried to look the man straight in the eyes

"Are you Commander Terrakian?"

By Yeoman (1st) Vincent Rogers

Mess Hall Cook

This message was Closed Captioned for the visually impaired.