Subject: USS Grail: 'The Treaty of Algeron'- 'Something Strange'

Talis'Agar was a very strong Jem'hadar, but not nearly as strong as he was looking. He began to notice a slight problem with his Jem'hadar brothers, they were beginning to feel the effects that came with not taking the Ketracel White, while he felt nothing. Not an ounce of nausea or anything of the short.

However, he knew eventually that the effects would be upon them and he would let himself be killed before he let the white get to him. He quickly snack a look around, there were about three Romulans for every Jem'hadar, he wanted this attack to be a success, but he may not be able to pull it off with his brothers so weak. That worried him.

Talis looked at his brothers, he should've tried the attack earlier, but was waiting for the right time. The time in which the attack had the best chance of success, he hoped that time would come soon.


Jem'hadar Warrior