Grail: Treaty of Algeron - Setting People Up"And he did as well, ha? Hmmm, I see..." Corvette listened to the young
ensign as he related the events of what had happened.
"Yes sir. I really don't mean to be this way, sir, but I still have the mark of what he did to me, and..."
"I don't wish to hear more of this! I'm tired of your wining! Now I see why you have been sent on this mission. You have been thrown here to turn from the kid you are, and into a man." Corvette Hunt approached the ensign as he seemed to be shrinking each second more and more. "For the next 48 hours, Mr. Thompson you are to stay in your quarters, contained and prohibited from eating any kind of food during that period. Afterwards I expect you to return here, and tell me exactly what you've learned in that period of time, on both what you should have done in that situation, and also what you did right and wrong."
"Are you serious sir?" the ensign dared to ask.
"Are you questioning me ensign?" Corvette's booming voice was nerve shaking.
"No sir. Absolutely no sir!" he responded at once.
"That's better. Now go. And don't let me catch you eating anything during that time period." Corvette Hunt turned back to his seat and looked out the window.
"Permission to leave, sir!"
"Dismissed ensign!" said Corvette Hunt as he heard the doors shut down behind him.
He then turned around and looked at the pad before him.
=/\= "OPS to Marine Korby. This is Lt. Cmdr. Corvette Hunt. Report to my quarters on deck 12 on the double!" =/\=