Subject: Grail: Treaty of Algeron - Orders are orders

The lift arrived at Deck 12 and Jeb found the Lt. Cmdr.'s quarters. He drew himself up to his full 5'9" height and pressed the door buzzer.

"Enter," came the reply after a few seconds. The door slid open and Jeb entered the room.

Upon entering the room, Jeb saw it wasn't an ordinary room at all. Pieces of strange electronic equipment were mounted on racks on the wall. A huge desk containing several computer displays where in front of him, as well as devices of many sorts. Instead of someone's quarters, this place looked like an office.

Jeb looked around for a little bit longer, then saw the Lieutenant Commander. Jeb snapped to and delivered his crisp Marine salute to the officer before him.

The tall Corvette Hunt leaned his pale figure towards the newly arrived marine. He wasn't nervous, he was confident in himself. Sure of himself.

"I think you know why you are here don't you?" Corvette asked the marine in front of him.

"Yes, sir. I do," replied Jeb.

"Well, in that case, tell me in your words what happened in Cargo Bay seven earlier today." Corvette sat down to listen to the marine's tale.

"This evening, I proceeded to the cargo bay to retrieve my personal belongings that were sent along whenever the Companies' cryo-freezers arrived on board. After locating my belongings, I picked up two of the lightest parcels and proceeded to leave and return to my quarters."

"Uhmm... I see. Go on..." Corvette interrupted him to make him sure that he was listening to his tale.

"When I attempted to leave, the Ensign stopped me. I explained what I was doing and why I was leaving the bay with my belongings. He told me that only a command level officer could clear the items before claiming. I protested, then he tried to pull rank, simply because he is an ensign and I am a Chief Warrant Officer. I admit that I partially lost my temper, and I told him exactly what was on my mind, then I left."

"You think you lost your temper? You think that's why you are here standing before me?" asked Corvette.

"Well, I..."

"Shut up marine! You have no idea what you have done! You don't understand this scene. That man, that ensign should now be in sickbay recovering, and you should be at least slightly bruised or even stunned from phaser fire. Next time an ensign tries to do something like that to you, you should yell.

You should argue his decision."


"That man should have tried to the best of his ability to stop you. Not only that, but he should have recognized you as a marine, and he should have called for reinforcements."

"Sir, I really don't understand your reaction." the marine interrupted.

"I have the outmost respect for marines. I have killed a few of them and I know their worth. They deserve to be treated way different than most of Starfleet does." Corvette Hunt explained.

"Thank Q sir." responded the marine.

"But that ensign was pulling someone else's orders at you. He relayed you an order, and you broke that order. You disobeyed that order. It doesn't matter if a dog carries the order with his collar, it was an order from someone above you, and you disobeyed it. You, and that ensign. The ensign has been dealt with, but now I have to see to your punishment."

"Punishment sir? But I..."

"Shut up! You are to report immediately to the Mess Hall, and then find a man who goes by the name of Vincent Rogers. He'll be your commanding officer during the next 12 hours. You're to follow his orders up to the letter. If he says 'jump' while jumping you'll ask 'how much higher sir!'"

"Sir, yes sir!"

"If he tells you to clean and mop, you do so as well!"

"Sir, yes sir!"

"If he tells you to peel off some potatoes, you'll clean, and peel, and arrange them on a plate, IS THAT UNDERSTOOD MARINE?"


"Good. Now report to him for the preparation of the meals for the entire crew. Dismissed."

"Yes sir!" Korby turned around and the doors opened.

As he was leaving, Corvette called him out "And marine? Welcome to the Grail!"