Subject: Grail: Treaty of Algeron - OPS Log

Chief of Operations Log: Stardate 47307.17 - 01:30

Captain Cochrane's funeral is finally over. There was a gathering afterwards, which turned out into something similar to a party. They all seemed like klingons who get happy everytime someone dies, for they say they travel to their special place for being great warriors. I didn't knew Captain Cochrane well enough to determine if he was going to be an honored warrior or not, but what I do know is, that no one seemed to going to miss him.

Our rendezvous with the Indiana will be in approximately 10 hours, around 11:30 a.m., just when Red Shift is in command. It's been a very long day, and all I want is to rest and be well tomorrow morning. Pulling two shifts and a funeral is too much for someone, even me.

Computer, end log.