Subject: Grail: "Havoc"- `Utter Chaos'

Athalya Anne could feel the adrenaline pumping through her veins. *Yes! THIS is how you do it!* The Rommie made the fatal error of within arm's reach of her. He was going to shoot her, no question about it. *Go down fighting.* She thought as Athalya Anne was up and tackling the impertinent fool who had dared to try to take her ship.

"AAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" She screamed as she lunged at the Rommie. He was prepared for it and fired. But his shot went astray, hitting her in the right hip. Not that she noticed. Athalya Anne went on screaming and cussing and beating on that Rommie like there was no tomorrow. She screamed like the banshee that she is as he pummeled her like a punching bag. *Dammit, wench, fight back!* Athalya Anne reprimanded herself. And fight back, she did. Soon they were on the floor, biting, hitting and clawing each other. *Come on, girl. You can do it.* She paid no attention to her depleting condition. Athalya Anne focussed on the Rommie. He would pay. She began to work on him again. She could feel his pain, his battle lust as they worked on each other. They went at it for what could have been seconds or hours. But one thing was increasingly clear: there would be only one winner.