Grail: "Havoc-'En. Theresa Milner'The bridge crew was losing. As was to be expected. After all, the Rommies were the ones with the guns. Parker, Stone and Brinn were down for the count, either dead or dying. Brennan and DeMontigny weren't doing much better: they weren't trained professionals and the Rommies were.
*I'm not doing too hot, either.* En. Theresa Milner thought as she took a knife wound to the upper left arm. *Not at all.* she thought as she let out a horrifying shriek. The pain shot through her arm and the rest of her body. *That's not fair!* She screamed again as she tried to defend herself. No avail. He was bigger and stronger and he had a friend who was coming up behind her. *This is not fair at all!* she thought again, desperately wishing that she had passed her anti-grav combat course at the Academy with a grade better than a 'D'. Theresa threw a right and then another right at the Rommie in front of her. He dodged them both with a practiced ease. *Oh, this is pathetic!* she thought annoyedly. It was her last thought. The Romulan who was coming up behind her hit her with the but of his disrupter at the back of her neck.
Theresa looked up from where she had fallen. Apparently gravity had been restored. *Ooh...* she did not feel good. Between her head and various other injuries, she felt rather poorly. *Shhh. Quiet, now.* It hadn't taken her long to figure out that the Romulans had finally won. *What can I do?* She tried to move her left arm. It wouldn't cooperate. Theresa tried her right. It complied, albeit at some cost. She had to focus on each and every mustle contraction and relaxation. *My phaser. Where is it?* She moved her arm slightly to her hip. It was still there. Up just a little bit. Slowly. Slowly.....
There. *I got it.* Now the question was what to do. *Assume everyone else is dead.* Her security training kicked back in. Theresa continued the hypothetical conversation in her head. *Ok, if everyone's dead, then that means that I am on my own. I gotta take them all out in one shot. How?* She looked at the phaser in her hand. *Phaser grenade.* She thought resolutely. It was relatively easy to rig them. Just switch a wire here and there. The barrel would jam and the energy would build up until the thing exploded. She put it back together as fast as she could. *Delay -1 second.* she walked herself through the steps.
"Hey!" A Rommie shouted. *Oh, god. Hurry.* Theresa urged herself on. The Romulan was coming for her.
*Arm.* she hit the button and, summoning the last of her strength, threw it into the center of the bridge. *I did it!* she thought triumphantly. The bridge was rocked by the explosion. *I did it!* but by this time, Theresa could no longer remember what it was she had done.