Grail: "Havoc-`Aftermath'<<Stardate: 47307.17-09:00>>
<<USS Grail- Battle Bridge>>
Epic watched Captain Hillary Singh disappear from the main viewer. He turned to face the Bridge crew.
"Lt. Donucci, when Commander Hargen has managed to gain control of the saucer, you will assist her in the reconnecting procedure."
Alison Donucci nodded in response.
"Lt. Hatcher. Put a tractor beam on the Thames and get her into the Shuttlebay 2 for repairs."
Hatcher immediately fell to the task.
"Ensign Prexis. You will maintain your station until I relieve you. Try to determine why the saucer is not responding to hails."
Epic then tapped his commbadge. "Commander Hunt. I would like you to coordinate repair efforts on the Indiana in cooperation with her Chief Engineer. Also, work with her Security to insure they are cohesive. Report her progress on every hour."
Epic then tapped his badge again, switching channels. "Lt. Mallory. You will return to the Grail and cooperate with Lt. Prynne and En. Blake on researching the Cloaking Device."
Tapping another channel, "Lt. Castle. I want your detachment to return to the Grail and report immediately to the Deck 11 Docking latches. We have lost contact with the saucer and I want a team ready to investigate when we reconnect."
=^=Commander. =^=, Logan Castle responded. =^=We have suffered two fatalities and one major injury. =^=
Epic considered it for a moment. "Acknowledged. Kirby and his Marines will support you. Report when you are in position. Instruct En. Charon to remain on the Indiana to assist in repairs."
=^=Acknowledged. =^= , Castle replied, then closed the channel.
Epic tapped his badge again. "Lt. Arda. Your Wing will return to the Shuttlebay 4 for maintenance. I will need a report in one hour."
=^=Affirmative. =^=, she responded.
"Lt. Ramin. I need you to transport immediately to the Indiana. Report directly to Commander Hunt for instructions on how best to support their medical staff."
=^= On my way, Commander. =^=, Doctor Ramin responded immediately.
Epic moved over to Engineering controls where Janice Hargen was still hard at work. He placed a firm hand on her shoulder and squeezed gently. "Sorry for the rough start. And thank you."
She looked at him for a long moment, then nodded tiredly.
Epic stepped up to the turbolift. It opened promptly. He tapped his communicator. "Terrakian to Ambassador Firespray. We will be leaving this location in less than twelve hours heading into the Beta Quadrant. I would like you to cooperate with Lt. Alison Donucci in plotting a flight path, with considerations given to possible resupply points and friendly relations. I want to make some friends along the way. Our flight path will also serve as our retreat route if things go poorly and I want all the friends out here I can get."
=^= Of course, Commander. =^=, the Alterian replied.
Epic stepped onto the turbolift. "Deck 11.", he commanded the lift, then called to Janice Hargen as the doors closed.
"Commander. Report immediately after contact with Major Brinn has been made. You have the Bridge."