Grail: "Havoc-`It Ain't Over Yet'<<USS Grail- Deck 11>>
Epic stepped off the turbolift and headed directly for the transporter room. Before he got a meter, his commbadge chirped.
=^=Hargen to Terrakian. En. Prexis has just detected an explosion coming from the Saucers Bridge. =^=
"Thank you, Commander.", Epic acknowledged. `Damn!'. He tapped his badge, changing the channel.
"Terrakian to Castle. Lieutenant. Belay my previous orders. I want your team to beam directly to the Saucers Bridge. Anticipate resistance. Terrakian out."
`Damn!', he thought again. Odd that he should feel concern for Brinn. She had made every effort to be a pain in his neck since she `dropped in'.
`Because she fights you.', the Vulcan in his mind stated plainly. Also, in his mind, he felt Magda nodding in agreement.
Epic shook his head and entered the Transporter room.