Grail: "Havoc"- `The Cavalry'<<Stardate: 47307.17- 08:09>>
<<USS Indiana- Bridge>>
Captain Hillary Singh stood stolid and dignified even though a Romulan Disruptor Pistol was pressed to her ribcage. The Centurion who held the weapon was fuming at her stubborn refusal to concede to his demands.
She looked down at the smoking crater that replaced the chest of Marouk, her First Officer. His dead body was flung back, arched over the pair of Romulans he had slain with his bare hands before this centurion had shot him down. She distracted herself from her current situation by praying for him.
"Listen to me you haggard wench...", the Romulan growled into her face. "..If you do not give me your computer access codes within one minute, I will begin executing every member of this crew, saving you for last as witness. Starting with your children."
Even the five other Romulans who held disruptors on the remaining four Bridge crew officers blanched at that threat. Would the Centurion actually execute children? Most of them didn't know Asirmvinjian, but they were not willing to put it past him. He was insane. They had heard only rumors. But, false rumors didn't travel far amongst Romulans. They were a `show me, don't tell me' people.
"The USS Grail will arrive imminently.", Hillary struggled to remain clear of voice and thought. "Its captain, Epic Terrakian, is feared even by our own people. You will pay dearly for your cowardly act of war."
"Epic Terrakian?", Asirmvinjian spat the name. "I have never heard this name before. His reputation is a construct of your imagination. A single Galaxy Class ship is no match for a Romulan Warbird. He will kneel before me as I cut his throat." The Romulan was actually pressing his lips to her ear as he spoke.
But, Hillary was emboldened by her imminent demise. She leaned away from him and looked him dead in the eyes. And she spoke with the fatalistic truth of a soothsayer on her deathbed.
"He will drink your blood."
The Romulan Centurion actually leaned away from the threat in her eyes. Her threat showed the strength of conviction. Asirmvinjian snarled.
"You have 30 seconds. There are thirty other Romulans on board this ship. If you do not give me the codes, I will order them to begin killing indiscriminately."
Captain Hillary Singh cried without shame as she faced the flag of the United Federation of Planets and whispered in her mind a prayer for all those about to die.<<The Romulan Warbird T'saloset>>
<<Bridge>> "Commander.", came the call from Tactical. "Federation warship dropping out of warp at one million kilometers. They will be in weapons range in 20 seconds."
"Shields up!", Sarvid shouted more loudly than was warranted.
"Shields at full.", Tactical replied. "Commander. With shields up, we will not be able to recall our boarding party."
Sarvid's heart faltered as he realized the truth of that statement. But, he suppressed that concern. "They will be retrieved after the Federation Warship has been dispatched."
"Commander.", Tactical sounded off again. "The Federation ship has separated into two parts and have disgorged a trio of lesser craft."
Sarvid seemed distracted by the report. `Five targets, now?'
"Concentrate your efforts on the primary stardrive.", Sarvid ordered. "Sound Battle Stations!"
<<USS Grail- Battle Bridge>>
"Saucer separation complete!", Hargen called over the whir and chirp of multiple stations in activity.
"Shields down!", Cara Hatcher yelled. "Five second countdown starting."
"The Indiana has no shields and no warp engines.", Eve Mallory called from Sciences. "There thirty six Romulan lifesigns on the Indiana."
"The Romulans have powered shields and disruptors!", Hatcher almost cut off Mallory. "The Runabouts are away. Shields up!"
"Brinn.", Terrakian shouted over the left-open channel. "Begin your attack run on the Warbird." In the main viewer, they could see the saucer accelerating before them. The runabouts fell into a wedge before them.
"Castle. Divide your Security forces into two teams and report to Transporter room 3 with your team. Lt. Commander Hunt will lead the second team from Transporter room 4." Epic looked to Hunt, who actually smiled as he left the Battle Bridge. Before the Jupiterean finally exited, Epic could swear the man had changed colors. He shook his head.
"Hunt. I want your team to secure the Indianas Bridge. Castle, I want you to secure Indianas Engineering. Mallory will join you." Epic looked at Mallory and tossed his head, indicating she move. "As well as Ensign Charon. I want that ship up and in the fight ASAP. Transporter Chief, do you copy those orders?"
=^= Affirmative, Captain. =^=, the Andorian called Velaj replied.
"Donucci. Swing us wide and bring us under the Warbird."
Epic Terrakian sat white-knuckled in the command chair. The ambient excitement of the ship was reaching a critical mass. He felt his heart might explode. And although fear underlined the excitement like ice, he savored it, too. Then, because he needed to vent some of the power of the emotional rush, he cried, "HAVOC!!!"
As he let slip the Dogs of War.
<<OOC: Hopefully I have given enough information to allow all to do with this story as it pleases them. Except to answer some questions, I will have no further influence on how it will turn out. I am anxious to read what happens. Give us all something powerful to read. I love this shit. Be sensitive to the information revealed in the posts of those who have come before you. Keep it logical, but most of all, make it hot. Some of you might need to cooperate, but, do what you gotta do. >>