Subject: Grail: "Havoc"- `Romulan Countermeasures'

<<Romulan Warbird T'saloset>>


"The Federation ship has dropped out of warp with shields down!", the Romulan Tactical Officer, Dierden, called out incredulously. "A trio of lesser ships have been disgorged."

"Focus disruptors on the main Stardrive!", Sarvid shouted.

"Just out of weapons range.", Dierden responded. "Blast! Their shields are up. Transporter transmissions are being detected. Two parties have transported to the Indiana. To Engineering and to the Bridge."

"Sarvid to Asirmvinjian!", Sarvid shouted. His adrenaline was flowing like water. "You are being boarded!" After a few seconds silence. "Asirmvinjian!"

Sarvid sat in his command chair, his foot tapping a nervous staccato on the plated floor. Damn!, he screamed in his mind. He hadn't considered that they might try to retake the Indiana. He was hoping they would concentrate on the T'saloset.

"Centurion Bockh!", Sarvid shouted over his shoulder. "Prepare a second party to support Asirmvinjian on that ship."

Bockh spun on his heels to promptly comply, but Dierden questioned. "They will be unable to transport with shields up."

Sarvid turned slowly in his chair. His anger and fear were turned on his Tactical Officer. "You place to much faith in the Federations capabilities. They are unworthy of...."

Dierden cut him off when his console flashed and burped. "There is disturbance in the holding cells. Weapons are being fired."

"What?", Sarvid asked, shocked. Then, a chill captured his mind. "The Jem'hadar.", he almost whispered. Then, he turned to Bockh. "Do not delay because HE questions my orders. Prepare your party!" Bockh exited the Bridge.

On the main viewer, Sarvid watched the Federation formation streaming toward him.