Subject: Grail: "Havoc"- `The Battle Rages'

<<USS Indiana- Bridge>>

The Romulan Centurion, Asirmvinjian, lay still as the Starfleet officer reported his victory. Asirmvinjian jaw clenched when he considered how easily they were overcome by only two. And if he survived, the punishment he would proscribe for himself would be worse than what he would deal to his charges.

He had fired at a decoy.

When the figure appeared only 2 meters in front of him, he had arrogantly taken his disruptor away from the old woman and fired at the barely materialized dummy. A second after realization struck, he was struck, in the back, by a Federation phaser.

The burns to his back and lungs were fatal, but the cauterizing heat of the Federation weapon prevented him from drowning in his own blood. Instead, he was slowly asphyxiating. Slowly, being the key word. He only had a few minutes before oxygen depravation would send him spiraling into oblivion, but he would use those few minutes wisely.

Out of his peripheral vision, he saw the damned Klingon that had shot him. The savage creature seemed to be caught in the grip of some horror that Asirmvinjian could not see. It didn't matter. His distraction was his end. His, and the old crone of a captain that had defied him.

With a sudden exertion that caused brilliant flowers of pain to cloud his vision with white splotches, Asirmvinjian swung his disruptor up and leveled it, first, at the old captain.

The Klingon turned at the sudden movement, his eyes gone wide. The Romulan was about to fire.

<<Romulan Warbird T'saloset- Engineering Deck>>

A squad of six Romulans worked feverishly at getting the doors to their Engineering section open. Federation warriors had transported over and had quickly taken the heart of their ship.

"Talarak! Demok!", the Romulan Security Chief Sergeant bellowed. "I want the both of you to try to access from the Support Deck ventilators. Now!"

Demok nodded with a growl and threw Talarak a toss of his head, urging the junior officer to follow.

Talarak followed, a strange, but convicted look on his face.

<<OOC: Alright, Talarak. Grab a helmet and get in the game. And, Talis Agar. If you are still involved, get involved. If not, drop me a line.>>

<<USS Grail- Battle Bridge>>

Commander Epic Terrakian stood in the center of the Bridge, the energy of excitement threatening his heart. They were succeeding. By Hades, they were going to do it!

Epic hadn't expected the Warbird to warp behind him. He had immediately thought that they had fled. But, the enemy tactic was as useless as it was foolish. It wasn't as if the crew of the Grail had to look out the windows in order to see her prey. Their sensors were still at optimum efficiency. And, with the ship in two sections, as well as their three, sorry, two runabouts in space, they had more eyes than they needed.

Alison Donucci kept the Warbird on the main viewer no matter where it went and Epic watched with swelling pride as the Runabouts slid easily around the failing Romulan vessel. The reports from Lt. Arda kept him secure that she was safe. He realized that he had great misgivings about exposing her to such dangers because of Kaede. But, he also realized that if it wasn't for him, they wouldn't be here. He shook the distracting thoughts away.

Unexpectedly, Janice Hargen stood glaring at him. "Captain.", she said, tension thick in her attitude. "I request permission to leave the Bridge."

Epic was momentarily shocked by her demand, but he quickly found himself. "You know how to do your job, Commander. Do what you gotta do."

Suddenly, Cara Hatcher called out. "The Marines have taken the Warbirds Engineering section!"

Epic felt the rush of victory as everyone around him felt it. Sometimes, it was damned exciting to be an empath.