Subject: Grail: "Havoc-"Time to chew bubblegum and kick some Romulan ass!"

OOC: Talk about action!! Cool! Lorelei, since you never answered me, I'll finish up our conversation somewhat uncommitably so I can get a piece of the action. :)

<<Stardate: 47307.16- 22:50>>


Counselor Lorelei crinkled her nose as she bit into the pickle.

"A very... peculiar taste." she said, obviously trying to be polite.

"You hate it, eh? Don't feel bad, few are those who can truly appreciate the perfectness of a well-pickled pickle." answered François.

He was talking gibberish, trying to buy some time while he thought about how best to approach the counselor.

"About this meeting, Lt..." she started.

"I know just what you mean, how about a nice quiet candlelight dinner aboard an early twentieth-century transatlantic cruise-ship. A starry night, nice music, the salty air..." ...and the icebergs if things don't go as planned, he almost added.

"I don't think..." she began to answer before François cut her off again.

"Exactly, don't think, just come!"

She seemed to be about to refuse again when she suddenly change her mind.

"Very well, dinner it is!" she said.

"Great!" François said, then looked at the departing people, "Looks like it's time for the funeral proper... I'll contact you for our date!"

He left before she could answer.

OOC: How's THAT for non-commitable? Now we have a date! HAHAHAHA! :)


<<Stardate: 47307.17- 06:50>>

<<DeMontigny's quarters>>

François stared at the ceiling. Beside him laid a beautifully naked Ensign Elizabeth Wilson. Why did he do these things? It never felt quite right, but he kept throwing himself at women. What was he looking for? Love? François was beginning to doubt the very existence of that feeling. He had never had a meaningful relationship with a woman in his life. Meaningful for him, anyway. Did he just crave the sex? No, he enjoyed the flirting more than the actual sex. Most of the time. Then it was flirtation he was after? The chase? That didn't sound quite right...

He looked at Liz again. She was a beautiful woman, but François had rarely met a woman that he did not find attractive in a way. Maybe he was in love with ALL women and was trying to get close to every one of them. No, although he did think that women were the greatest creations of the universe, in almost every aspect, not just sexually, he still felt like he was looking for something... someone. THE one. But did she exist? Was there a woman for François DeMontigny out there? A woman that was strong enough? Dangerous enough? Heck, he had searched most all of the Alpha Quadrant and was now attacking the Delta. It didn't seem likely. He sighed and got up. He hardly knew Ensign Wilson at all. He did seem to remember her saying she was an engineer...

The red alert flared.

"Qu'est-ce que...?!" François said as he jumped for his uniform. "François?! What's going on?" Liz asked as she woke up.

"I don't know, chère, but I intend to find out." he answered. After finishing putting on his pants, he grabbed his shirt and boots and headed for the bridge.


<<Stardate: 47307.17- 07:05>>

<<Main Bridge>>

François stepped on the bridge and proceeded to relieved the tired yellow-shift ensign. He then checked his console. Everything was in order. They were going at warp 8 to meet the Indiana which was... under attack by Romulan Warbird?!? François smiled as the adrenaline started pumping. This was going to be fun!

Meanwhile, Epic was in the center seat, barking orders.

"Engineering!", Terrakian called as he slapped his commbadge. "Give me everything the warp engines have. I want 9.9 in ten seconds!"

=^=Sir! =^=, came Janice Hargen's incredulous reply. =^=Warp 8 was dangerous with no shakedown time. I advise against...=^=

"Advice noted, Commander.", Terrakian cut her off. "Ten seconds!"

=^=We will have an Automatic Shutdown of the warp engines in ten minutes if we go to 9.9.=^= Came Hargen's last warning.

"I only need three minutes, Commander.", Epic nodded as he spoke, looking to DeMontigny at the Conn. "Lieutenant. Execute."

François obeyed, happy that Epic wasn't afraid to push the limits. Epic stood abruptly and moved toward the turbolift. It opened, disgorging Lt. Kait Brennan, Lt. John Parker, and the Lt. Major, Athalya Anne Brinn. Major Beautiful. This was her chance to show what she could do. DeMontigny was anxious to see what that was. She immediately proceeded to the center seat and asked for a status report.

"Ma'am," François refused to call a superior female officer 'sir', "The Battle Bridge has taken control of the helm. We are at Warp 9.8 and getting ready for Saucer separation."

Brinn nodded, "Very well, proceed at Commander Terrakian's signal."

A few moments later, the Grail dropped out of warp and the Saucer section detached. François didn't wait for Brinn's order before launching it straight toward the Warbird at maximum impulse.

"Sir," came Stone from Tactical, "the Warbird has raised it's shields and is powering it's disruptors."

François' smile grew even wider.

Lt(jg) François DeMontignyAsst. Chief of Flight ControlsUSS Grail