Grail: "Havoc"- `Chaos Squared'<<USS Grail - Saucer Section - Main Bridge>>
A smile found its way onto DeMontigny's face as he realized what they had just done. The Major had really impressed him with that maneuver. Romulans? Baaaaaah! These weren't anywhere near as tough as the ones he had battle while on the Champagne. Heck! The had hardly fought back! Ensign Prexis' voice made him regret thinking that.
=^= Major Brinn! =^=, came the voice of the Vulcan Prexis over the open channel. =^= Six Romulan boarders are transporting....=^=
"No shit!", Brinn responded as the Romulans materialized all around them. Five of them trained disruptors on the bridge crew, preventing them from attacking. However, the one that had materialized between François and En. Theresa Milner (OOC: Who the heck is she?!?) was clearly about to do in Major Beautiful. But once again, she surprised DeMontigny. With a blood-curling scream, she jumped on the lead Romulan, taking a disruptor hit in the hip. Then they went down in a heap of punches and kicks. The other Romulans watched in amusement. One of them informed his ship that they had secured the bridge.
That's when DeMontigny had an idea. Quick looks to Parker, Stone, Brennan and Milner was enough to inform them to be ready. He then looked over at the Ops console, summoning the guts he was going to need. For most of his Starfleet career (meaning about a year), he had been an operations officer. He still knew the console by heart. On the floor, Brinn was still battling the Romulan. Not even a minute had passed since the Rommies had beamed aboard. Taking one last breath, François jumped for the Ops console and pressed the two required buttons. Two of the Romulans turned and fired, but they had been too distracted by the fight to aim properly, hitting the conn chair and the floor near DeMontigny's feet. Then the Romulans were knocked off their feet, literally, as the artificial gravity switched off.
The bridge crew reacted as one, jumping on the surprised Rommies. DeMontigny's jump had quickly carried him up to the ceiling where he bounded back to the most isolated Romulan, tackling him before he could fire.
OOC: More to come once the others respond.
Lt(jg) François DeMontigny
Assistant Chief of Flight Control
USS Grail NCC 1124