Grail: "Havoc-'The insanity continues'<<USS Grail- Stardrive- Battle Bridge>>
Janice Hargen was going insane. Not really, but she sure felt like it. The ship was rocking from the fire it was taking, and Janice had to use all her concentration to just keep it together. She knew how critical it was at the moment just to keep the ship firing, and keep the shields up. She was so busy, in fact, she didn't even have time to give Epic the dirty look he deserved.
*He shouldn't have pushed the ship so far in the first place,* she thought angrily. Now it was suffering from the heavy fire it was taking along with it's first real warp trip being as pushed as that. She just grit her teeth and worked harder on keeping it together.
The minute she could get the phasers to stop coming close to an overload, something else took her attention away, and once she got back, they were back in the red zone. She cursed tactical. They certainly were keeping her busy. The stupid computer wasn't much help, either. She could move faster than it. She tensely brushed a sweat soaked hair away from her face as she waited for the computer to respond to her last several commands.
"Shield failure imminent!" Hatcher called, urgency in her voice.
"I'm working on it!!" Janice called back, out of the corner of her eye catching Epic jump out of the captain's chair, power filling every movement. She drew her attention back to the console. *The cursed thing!!* she screamed at the computer in her mind. She wished she could just attach herself into the computer and bypass the console altogether, but that wasn't an option... or was it?
She managed to get the shields up to 35% when she turned to Epic. "Captain, I request permission to leave the bridge." She stared at Epic's incredulous look as she waited for a response.
LtComm Janice Hargen
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Grail
ICQ - 4303269