Subject: Grail: Havoc - "The End"

=/\= "To all Starfleet personnel. Victory is ours!" Epic's voice cut in. He paused. "Away teams report."

Arda called up a quick status report on the runabouts. She sighed.

"Runabouts returning to Main Shuttlebay. The Thames will require a tow," she said, then closed the channel. A few moments later, they were hailed again.

=/\= "This is Lt. Hatcher. I'm tractoring the Thames into Shuttlebay 2 for repairs."

"Thanks. Orinoco out." Arda closed the channel. "Well, what do you say to heading home?" she asked.

The adrenaline rush had left them all now. They reluctantly agreed, remembering what they were 'returning home' to. Arda sighed and headed for the main bay.

=/\= "Lt. Arda," called Epic once more, "your Wing will return to the Shuttlebay 4 for maintenance. I will need a report in one hour."

"Affirmative," she responded. "Change of plans, guys." She changed her course, noting that the Nile followed behind and they headed for Shuttlebay 4.

Repairs began as soon as the bay was pressurized. Arda monitored, but it was mostly up to some of Janice Hargen's engineers. She started up a report, updating it as she got more information. That way, she'd have it ready by the time Epic called for it.

Being back on the ship reinitiated her link with Kaede, still in the nursery. The nursery was near Sickbay which was in the Stardrive section of Galaxy class vessels. She desperately wanted to see her, to let her know everything was okay, but she had work to do and Kaede had to learn that work came first for Mommy right now. She sighed, letting Kaede's mental touch calm her jangled nerves. She wondered how Epic had handled her tantrum.

Jessica-Lynne Sullivan

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