Grail: "Havoc"- 'Pep Talk'<<Stardate 47307.17: approx. 0800>>
-Auxiliary Cargo Bay 3-
Chief Warrant Officer Jebediah Kirby looked over the five men before him, all strong, proud, and taller than he was. Not a single one was under six foot. All were dressed in their green combat fatigues, the black combat armor forming a small measure of protection against enemy disruptor fire. Their black helmets had the visors pulled up, allowing Jeb to see the steel expressions on their faces. Their rifles were clutched at an angle across their chest, all except for Pvt. 1st Class Grubber, who wielded the squad heavy weapon, a heavy pulse phaser weapon. His weapon was slung on a strap that wrapped around his shoulder.
"Listen up, greenies," started the Chief. "You five are to be with me. Although all 14 of us defrosted Marines are going to kick some Romulan ass, we six will be directly responsible for the safety of the two techies that will be accompanying us. Let me stress that NO harm is to befall these two Girl Scouts. Don't even let one Romulan get close enough to spit on them, because we all know that is all it would take to kill a Girl Scout. Do you agree with me?"
"YES CHIEF, WE AGREE!" came the shouted unison reply.
Kirby finished his first transit across the line and spun about, starting another pass. "We are about to enter battle. This should not be a problem, because what is the function of a Marine?"
"And who do we kill?"
"And why do Marines always succeed?"
"Damn right!" shouted Kirby in return. "We will be on station as soon as the shields on the Romulan ship are down. Now, you Marines," and Kirby saw the small grins as he said this, "we are to report to Transporter Room Four where we will meet our Techies, Lieutenant Prynne and Ensign Blake. Lance Corporal Stevenson, would you lead us in the Marine Hymn as we report to Transporter Room Four?"
"Yes Sir, Chief," replied the young man. The Marines filed out and Kirby fell in beside them. The rhythmic chant began and six Marines marched to the Transporter room that they had been assigned.
-Aaron Baugh,
AKA Jeb Kirby, CWO2, SMC, USS Grail