Grail: "Havoc"- 'Ready, Willing, and Able'Kirby's communicator chirped at him. Man, he hated that thing. He tapped it. "Kirby here, Lieutenant. We have met our Science and Engineering personnel. We are in position and on the pad."
"Very good, Marine. Be ready, we could go in at any moment."
"Yes sir," replied Kirby. "Kirby out."
The Chief turned around on the transporter pad and looked at the people all around him. He looked directly at the two women that his squad would be escorting and protecting. "Lt. Prynne, Ens. Blake, you have all the equipment you'll be needing?"
The Lieutenant sighed and barely resisted rolling her eyes. "Yes, Chief. We have everything," she said. *for the third time* continued her thoughts.
Kirby looked towards his men again. "All right, jarheads. Objective?"
"Engineering section and the cloaking device!"
"How many entrances to the Romulan Engineering Department??"
"On how many levels?"
"One entrance on top level. Three entrances radially spaced around perimeter of base level!"
"Very good, Greenies!" said the Chief. Then, more seriously. "Triple check your equipment, Marines. We're going to hit'em hard and fast and they won't know what hit'em until a phaser bolt hits them between the eyes."
"Uhh, Chief?" called the Transporter operator.
Kirby whirled. "Yes?"
"The XO says that we're beginning our attack run. I could get the call at any time."
"You have the site down?"
"Yes. Main Engineering, Romulan Warbird. Locked in. All I have to do is energize."
"Good." replied the Chief. -Aaron Baugh
AKA CWO2 Jebediah Kirby, SMC, USS GRAIL