Grail: 'Havoc' : "Another player in the drama"{ NRPG: Hi everyone. Due to the need for a Chief Medical Officer, I have made a proposal to the Captain and the XO to play two characters, my Marine, Jeb Kirby, and the new Doctor, William Ramius. This post spans a great deal of time, so I'll try to make it as non-confusing and interfering as possible as I intro him a little. Now, on to the post. .}
--USS Indiana, Stardate 47307.16--
"My new transfer to the Renegade came through. I hope that you like life on the Indiana, and I'll miss you. You said the mission is slated for two years, but hopefully you'll be back sooner than that if all goes well. Always remember, Daddy, I love you. Bye now."
Dr. William Ramius leaned back in his chair and touched the key that froze his daughter's image on his viewer. He had been thinking for the past six hours, weighing consequences against benefits. He had made his decision. He tapped his commbadge.
"Doctor Ramius to Captain Singh."
<"Yes doctor?">
"Could I meet you in your ready room? I'd like to speak with you about transfer options."
<"Of course. Meet me there in five minutes.">--15 min. later, Captain's Ready Room, USS Indiana-- "We'll miss you, that's for sure, William," said the Captain.
"I can understand that, Captain, but my posting here was only a stopgap measure. We both know that Valek runs a great department. My title as 'Chief Surgeon' is almost cursory. I've done two major procedures since coming on board. It's been four months, and, quite
frankly, I'm tired of doing experiments to keep my sanity."
"So you're sure that you want to transfer to the Grail?"
"Yes. Their manifest states that while they have a medical department, they don't have anyone with more than a few years experience heading up the department. I would be needed there, providing that they'll have me."
"Alright. Go get your things together."
William stood and smiled warmly. "Already done. I've even taken the liberty of preparing the orders. All they need is your thumbprint to be valid, keeping in mind the approval of the Grail's commander."
Now it was Hillary Singh's turn to smile. "Leave it here. I'll get to it when we rendezvous with the Grail."
"Thank you very much, Captain." William then turned and strode out of the room. --USS Indiana, Sickbay, 47307.17, 7:12--
The hellish red glow of the red alert klaxon bathed everything in the Sickbay and amplified the CMO's angular Vulcan features. Valek looked up as more casualties streamed in and were intercepted by Doctor William Ramius.
"What have we got?" Ramius asked the two techs who brought in a badly burned ensign.
"Plasma induction coil blew up right next to him in Engineering."
William pointed to the nearest empty biobed. "There. Put him there." The efforts he made to save the young man were in vain. He worked for fifteen minutes to try and stabilize the young engineer, but to no avail. William silently drew the thermal blanket up over the man's head. His thoughts were interrupted by the shuddering of the ship over and over again. A voice on the shipwide channel came on.
"This is the Captain. We have been disabled by a Romulan Warbird. This attack was unprovoked, and all departments can expect enemy boarding parties. We will resist to the best of our ability, but we don't need any heroes. That is all."
--Sickbay, 8:14--
Ramius and Valek were both continuing their scans on the patients in Sickbay, assisted only by a single nurse. The four Romulans in Sickbay had the rest of the medical personnel huddled against the far wall where they could watch them better. They had initially forbidden the two doctors to help the wounded, but together, Valek and William' arguments had been too strong for the young Romulan in charge to object. When they started treating the wounded, the Romulans just puffed themselves up and watched their prisoners.
That's when all Hell broke loose. Reports of casualties and Federation teams beaming in filtered in over the Romulan's com link at his belt. In a moment of indecision, the young Romulan sent two of his men to the bridge to help.
"Valiseth, Tamarack, go to the bridge. Now!" he ordered. Moments after the sickbay doors slid shut, William's assistant passed him a hypospray and William moved around the table as if to get another perspective on the injury, placing him only yards from the lead Romulan. Ramius leapt out at the Romulan, but he wasn't fast enough. The Romulan stepped back and viciously clubbed the back of Williams neck with the butt of his disruptor pistol, dropping William to his knees.
At the same moment as William jumped at his opponent, the remaining Romulan moved to intercept, but passed too close to Dr. Valek, who applied a nerve pinch that dropped the eager assistant Romulan.
The commanding Romulan looked up from William's kneeling form to his fallen comrade. That was all the time William needed. Getting up to one knee, he put both his hands together and laced his fingers. He brought his hands up as he stood, nailing the Romulan in the groin with all the strength he could muster. The Romulan let out a low-pitched yell that expelled all the air from his lungs as he fell prone to the deck, clutching at his groin.
William picked up the hypo he had before and applied the sedative to the Romulan's neck. He tossed the disruptor pistol to his head nurse. "Shoot any Romulan who comes through that door, but set it to heavy stun. We're not warriors here."
Aaron Baugh,
AKA CWO2 Jebediah Kirby, SMC, USS GRAIL
Dr. William Ramius, CMO, USS GRAIL (soon to be)