Grail-Havoc-Setting Up a Route<<47306.9 - 11:30>>
<<Deck 8, Kyp's Quarters>>
Kyp walked into his quarters after being at the funeral for over an hour. he sat down at the table and looked at the console.
"Computer, please bring up the a stellar map of the Delta Quadrant."
On the computer screen a map of all the known stars and phenomenon of the Delta Quadrant appeared. Kyp looked at it strangely. *This is all they know about! Hell, we learn more than that in basic school.* Still, he couldn't blame them they had never been out that far.
"Let's see. Who can assist us with supplies and such this close to the Beta Quadrant?" Kyp sat back and began to think of all the boarder systems. "The Kerestians? They have a highly industrialized. They might be able to be our first stop. Of course we haven't spoken to them in over three years, but I'm sure they will remember my father. Computer, locate our present position on the screen."
A small crosshair appeared.
"Computer, starting from galactic coordinates 211.7 by 523.0 by 000.0, trace a path to coordinates..." Kyp thought hard. He had to remember this first set of coordinates from there he could get others. Then he remembered that it was the only world in that sector with two habitable moons. "Computer, in this sector here, is there a record of a habitable world, with two habitable moons?" He was hoping for a lot here.
"Computer, highlight location."
Crosshairs appeared over the planet. "
"Now computer connect our current position to this world and then to the one I gave coordinates to a moment ago."
The computer obeyed.
"Computer enter world into your permanent charts as Kerestia, and enter the those galactic coordinates as Gamma Alteries."
A few beeps later and it was done.
"Computer, time."
"12:57 p.m."
Kyp got out of his dress attire and replicated some PJ's. He slipped them on and then crawled into bed. He fell fast asleep. This day had been way to weird for his liking. Being sent all that way from home to some strange vessel. Oh well, at least they were kind enough to take him home, or at least back into the Delta Quadrant.