Grail-Havoc-Battling the Odds<<Stardate: 47307.17 - 07:02>>
<<Deck 8, Kyp's Quarters>>
Kyp was sound asleep when he was awaken by the red alert klaxons.
*Why do they have to be so loud, I can hear them just fine* he thought as he covered his ears. He got up and put on the clothes he had had on the night before.
"Computer, please tell me where I'm suppose to be, if anyplace."
"You should report to the Captain, on the Battle Bridge."
"Computer, please download directions to the Battle Bridge to this...uh...this...PADD."
He looked down at it as it lit up with the directions for him to follow. He grabbed the commbadge off the table and put it on, as he headed out the door to the turbolift. He got in and ordered it to the Battle Bridge. A few seconds later and the doors opened, to a dimly light room with a lot of activity going on in there. He walked over to one of the console and attempted to read it. From what he could tell, the ship had split into two and all the smaller ships (runabouts) where being launched. He walked over to the Captain.
"What do you want me to do?"
He looked at him and said, "Got any ideas on how to win here?"
"Just one, concentrate all fire on their engineering section. The resulting blast should be enough to cause a power-overload big enough to destroy the ship."