Subject: Grail: Havoc - Battle Ready

<<Stardate: 47307.17- 07:02>>

For him it was as if it where midnight. Deeply asleep, he was dreaming back at his academy years. All the exhilaration, the fun. Then his introduction into special intelligence forces, his beginnings. Suddenly the red alert claxon began sounding over the ship.

"What? Red alert?" Corvette virtually jumped out of bed startled by the call. He stood up and went to the other side of the room. There he pushed a few buttons, and a battle uniform materialized on his body.

"Great! It works alright!", he said to himself as he sat on his desk.

=/\= "Hunt to all ops crew. Execute command rotation protocols for red alert situation. Parker, go to the main bridge. You know what to do. You have to coordinate all damage repair there. Morliana, Nazgur. Go to the saucer section. Take care of moving all families and civilians to combat shelters. Each grab a phaser rifle, if you have to help security with any boarding parties. Remember, civilians and families are your top priority. Kahtor. Go to main transporter room. Coordinate all transporter activity to and from this ship. Grab your bet'leth and a phaser gun. If we are boarded, first place to be taken is usually the transporter room. Selak, your destination is main engineering. See to it. Countreau, go around and check weapon stations. See that they work in perfect condition. Alright people, MOVE IT!" =/\=

Upon finishing relaying his orders, and making some final preparations, he grabbed a phaser, a light sabre which he hid on his back, and a tricorder, and left for the battle bridge.