Grail: Havoc: Bridge Takeover(OOC: Sorry for not responding or posting earlier, but I am WAY too busy. François, your address has been updated on the homepage. I believe all department's have submitted their crew rotations. If not, well, then make up really creative names, but don't send them before Tuesday, for I have work up to my head 'till that day. I haven't been able to put chapter 2 and 3 posts online due to the same reason. Sorry all. Hopefully, it'll be up for the 9nth or 10nth of March. And now, back to the post)
"Castle. Divide your Security forces into two teams and report to Transporter room 3 with your team. Lt. Commander Hunt will lead the second team from Transporter room 4." Were Epic's orders as Corvette heard them on the bridge. Upon hearing them, he turned around to leave the bridge. He as about to smile, from the adrenaline feeling he was getting. Instead he channeled it to make a battle skin morph. Too much adrenaline can lead to mistakes.
"Hunt. I want your team to secure the Indianas Bridge. Castle, I want you to secure Indianas Engineering. Mallory will join you." Were Epic's last words as the turbolift doors closed and everyone was on their way.
=/\= "Hunt to Kahtor, you with me. We have a mission." =/\=
The Klingon's battle roar was clearly heard over the comm. Just as they both entered transporter room 4, the comm chirped again. Corvette switched it's mode to open combat channel.
=/\= "Castle to Hunt. Are you ready?"
(Hunt) "Let's go already! =/\=, came Corvette's anxious and irritated reply. He was eager for battle.
Indiana's Bridge
The small bridge assault force consisted only of three persons. Kahtor, Hunt and Dummy. Dummy was a dummy who acted like a dummy and his whole purpose in life was to be a dummy and to make their opponents dummer. In fewer words, he was a dummy.
The klingon materialized in the back of the room. He was carrying a phasor in each hand, and began blasting his way towards the captain so that he might protect her. The dummy was transported to the front of the bridge, so that all romulans would think of it to be an actual person and began shooting at it. The trick worked out perfectly.
Hunt was materialized next to the Turbolift. using his enhanced speed he moved towards the first romulan. He never saw him coming. Corvette grabbed his opponent's head and in one quick move he broke his neck. Corvette didn't even blinked as he grabbed the second romulan, picked him up in the air and tossed him towards the next one. One of the romulans got lucky and shoot his disruptor towards Corvette. The beam hit him in the chest. His special combat armor deflected the shot, and the romulan's eyes were filled with terror as he saw the tall figure of a pale hunter approaching him, lifting him up, and then slamming him against his opponents knee, in effect, breaking his back, and the romulan screaming in agony as he felt life escaping from his body. Corvette then turned around and took his light sabre and turned it on, when he saw that Kahtor had already disabled the rest of romulans, and the klingon was looking at him with actual terror in his eyes. Not many klingons were so crude and ruthless as he had been. He was more afraid of his boss than ever, and he was glad, he had been able to control himself and not kill everyone in sight.
=/\= "Hunt to Grail. Bridge secured." =/\=