USS Grail : "They Were Expendable"; "A Lack of Introduction"OOC : Geez, I would've posted earlier but I've sort of been banned from the computer by my mom. I'm lucky she left for a while. :) Oh, btw everyone, please change your e-mail string by deleting and replacing it with Meanwhile, since I haven't started the post yet, I'd just like to say hello to everyone! ;)
Kaitlyn Brennan walked into Engineering hesitantly and upon seeing its almost completely abandoned appearance, she walked in more assuredly. Any other time she might have retreated to her quarters first, but curiosity had been getting the better of her lately, and she arrived earlier than usual, anyway.
So this is the place where she would be working? - where she could meet her end? The last thought she pushed aside. Sure, this ship's mission would be dangerous but it was ridiculous to think that she would die out there; she was much too important for that. She had spent too much of her time and energy working towards this career, a career at times she wondered if she really wanted. Yet there were times when she couldn't be happier about her choice and it was times like that which motivated her to continue along this path.
After all, what better place was there to be than in front of a powerful, beating warp core or crawling through maze-like Jeffries tubes that secretively lead to almost any place on the ship? There was something else, too... Now seemed to be a better time than most. Kait felt power down here in Engineering while it was sparsely populated, practically all her own, at least more so than when she had an engineering crew in the way.
Just then, to prove that all of Engineering was not empty, a voice interrupted her thoughts.
"Lieutenant Brennan?"
Kait did not respond at first because she didn't even register that her name had been spoken. The ensign was about to point out her lack of response when she exclaimed quickly, "Oh!" then more calmly, "May I help you?"
It then struck her that the voice belonged to a Klingon... officer. He must've gotten lost, Kait was sure.
"Have you seen the Chief Engineer?" he asked distantly.
"Not yet. What do you need him for?"
"To report for duty, sir."
The first question that came to mind was, 'Sir'? Then something else plagued her mind. She would be working with a Klingon? Life just didn't get any better, she thought bitterly. All of a sudden this trip down in engineering didn't seem quite as fun anymore. Kait decided that it was time to leave... but she still had to decide where to go now. Doesn't matter, she thought, just as long as she left this bothersome place.
"Well, I'll be leaving for now since I still need to report in myself and maybe I'll bump into the Chief Engineer myself."
The Klingon did not respond, but merely grunted in acknowledgment. Kait took that as her chance to leave. As she was walking out of Engineering, she began to wonder where the heck she was going. Kait had said that she would report in... perhaps that wasn't such a bad idea. She didn't particularly feel like doing that right now, but she might as well get it over with.
No one passed her in the corridors as she walked to the turbolift. Of course only essential personnel were on board right now. Wouldn't it be nice if things were always this quiet?
The turbolift doors automatically closed behind her and Kait commanded the computer, "Bridge." The familiar hum seemed a bit louder than usual but perhaps that was due to the fact that she was used to everything being quiet.
When she arrived at the bridge, it was apparent that Bridge personnel was pretty much considered essential because there didn't seem to be any absent posts. Strangely enough, the Bridge looked more appealing than Engineering because it was more well-lit, a little less depressing. Kait nodded her head to a woman at the tactical station, and swiftly, but not carefully, made her way to the captain's ready room. She rang the door chimes and waited a few moments before hearing a barely audibly 'enter.'
As she walked inside she took note of the man behind the desk, who was obviously not the captain, but the first officer. He had dark hair and striking blue eyes. He was holding a PADD, although previously intrigued by it, his interest was drawn completely towards her. A bit unnerving but far be it for him to know that. She had meant only to report in, but as he motioned for her to sit down, she began to feel that this would take longer than expected. Not that it mattered since she had nothing else to do anyway.
The first officer, Cmdr. Terrakian, looked at her for several moments, probably taking mental notes about her. Kait pretended not to notice and focused her attention on the wall. She didn't think he was going to say anything at first until he finally said, "So, Lt. Brennan. Tell me how you came to this assignment... And anything about yourself you'd like me to know."
Kait wasn't sure what to say, but knew how to start off. "I served aboard the USS Armstrong for two years, and as is standard, Starfleet ordered my transfer to here." Kait did not make mention of the high recommendation that the Armstrong's chief engineer had made... the recommendation was more than likely motivated by a desire to get rid of her. They were never really on the best of terms.
"Um, I can't think of anything else... Were you thinking of anything in particular?"
"Oh, just anything that I might not find in your official records."
In other words, personal history, she realized. There were quite a number of things she could probably tell him. "I have nothing else to add... sir," she finally said. There was no need to reveal anything about herself at this time, so it would be better not to waste his time. Even better, she could save his time by leaving right now.
Kait stood up and said, "If that is all, I will be going."