Subject: "USS Grail: They Were Expendable"-`CFOs Conn. job'

Lt. Alison Donucci entered the Ready Room and sat before Epic had a chance to rise to her presence. He did rise, perfunctorily, but she took no notice of the courtesy. Epic realized that polite customs of Betazed had little place in Starfleet. But, a habit was a habit.

"Lieutenant. I am Epic Terrakian. This interview is simply a `get-to-know-you' session. I was hoping you would tell me a little about yourself and perhaps your impression of the ship. How can I assist your department?"

Slightly nervous about being there Alison subconsciously tries to turn the tables, giving Epic a warm smile she looks him straight in the eyes, and with a silky smooth voice. "Sure, you already know about my Starfleet career so you must be referring to me personally."

Alison sits back and crosses her legs, "Being a chief flight control officer has been my ambition for quite some time now, and I've been working hard to achieve just that." Alison winces at what she is about to say. "An indiscretion or two had stalled my career, so when the opportunity arose to join the Grail as it's CFO I jumped at the offer." *What other choice did I have.* Shrugging her shoulders, "And here I am," followed by a sheepish grin.

After a moment to gather her thoughts Alison continues. "The ship itself is very impressive and a step up from any that I've ever piloted, but I'm sure that you will find that I'm more than capable of performing the duties of it's CFO."

"I do like the hands-on approach to being in charge of a department, I wouldn't a little more leeway in making any changes in procedures that I think would improve my departments quality of performance." Alison tries to hide any indication that she'd actually like to shape her department to suit herself...

[[Epics response and interview summary]]