Subject: "USS Grail- They Were Expendable" - `Interviews With the Vampire'

Stardate: 53712.6

[For a temporal frame of reference, the events that begin now occur two months after the events detailed in Star Trek: First Contact. That would make the date: July 12, 2353: 15:00 hours.]

Commander Epic Terrakian stood directly behind the shuttle pilot so that he could see the ship rise over the horizon where it was space-docked since its construction. The pilot was a young female ensign who had remained silent during the entire trip from the shipyards at Utopia Planitia on the planets southern hemisphere. To say that the Betazoid commander had made her nervous, with his critical blue eyes and knowing crooked smile, was an understatement. The man made her uncomfortable enough for her to scream, if he had spoken unexpectedly or moved too quickly. But, he had remained eerily silent throughout the hour long flight. She wasn't sure, though, if his speaking would have been more intimidating than his silence.

Epic had enjoyed the `taste' of the woman's trepidation the entire flight. And as he moved to stand behind her, her anxiety grew dramatically. It filled his empathic senses fully, almost to the point where he began to feel some of that anxiety himself.

But, the terrifying and sweet emotions fled the both of them as they watched in awe as the USS Grail rose on the horizon. To the shuttle pilot, the Grail had a strikingly sinister appearance. She would have thought the same of the new Flagship, the Enterprise-E, if she had ever seen it. The Grail was built to the specs of that already famous starship. It was, by design, an intimidating vessel.

To Epic, it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. The sun was setting behind it, and the illusion created made it seem that the great ship was being born of the stars corona, breaking free of its fiery womb. But the Grail was not moving. The sun was. The planet was. But the Grail remained a stolid sentinel. Only half of its running

lights were awake.

Its shark-like attitude was highly complimented by augmentations of black design on the almost silvered hull. Epic felt an immediate bond with this great ship upon sight of it. He sensed a kindred spirit in the sleek but heavy craft. It looked dangerous. But that was nothing compared to how it truly was.

The Grail was even more dangerous than it looked. "Hail them.", Epic spoke for the first time since entering the shuttle. The pilot stiffened in startled terror, but responded mechanically. Her training had overcome her personal distress. Epic made a mental note of that. She showed great control.

"Channel open, sir.", her voice quivered.

"USS Grail. This is Cmdr Epic Terrakian. I am approaching aboard the shuttle Daedelus. Requesting permission to beam aboard."

After a moments pause. =^= Acknowledged Commander. We have a lock and will transport on your command. =^=

"Thank you for the lift, Ensign McGreedy.", Epic smiled at the woman who hesitantly turned at the sound of her name. She could only half-smile and half-nod.

"Grail: Energize."

Epic Terrakian disintegrated in a wash of highly charged energy.

Epic was greeted by the Transporter Chief, an Andorian male who smartened up as the Commander stepped off the transporter pad. Epic acknowledged the Chief in the Andorian's native tongue. "Thank you, Lt. Velaj."

Velaj's expression showed some surprise, but he responded promptly. "Welcome aboard, Commander."

Epic nodded and immediately left the room, walking with a quick and measured stride. Epic wasn't certain if the Andorian's surprise was provoked by being addressed in his native tongue, or because the new commander had already known who he was. Epic shrugged. Either way, it didn't matter. Velaj, and others Epic was soon to meet, would find that

Epic knew almost everything about everybody. He made it a point to study intensively all the files on all the members of the crew he would be serving with. But, he had taken special pains to become familiar with all the department heads and their assistants. It was through them that Epic would maintain command of the crew as a whole.

The turbolift was waiting for him as he approached it. He stepped inside without breaking stride, then did a smart about-face as the doors closed.

"Bridge.", he commanded the computer.



Epic stepped off the turbolift and paused dramatically as he surveyed the bridge. The staff was slight. The Grail would not be shoving off for another four days, so only essential personnel was present. But, at his arrival, only one turned to look at him. And he looked at her.

He immediately recognized from her bio holograph, Lt. Cara Hatcher. She nodded once in acknowledgement, then returned her attention to the tactical station where Epic immediately recognized what she was doing. She was running scans of the surrounding space. He smiled in sympathy, but she did not see. Tactical was the station to which he had spent most of his Starfleet career.

He continued to observe the small woman. She was aware of his scrutiny, but she did not react to it. Her dark hair, as dark as Epics, was somewhat mussed, but still uniform. Her blue eyes danced over the display as she worked.

Cara Hatcher was the adoptive daughter of a Starfleet Admiral. The Admiral had had enough pull to get Miss Hatcher a long way in Starfleet, but not enough pull, obviously, to keep her off this ship.

The Grail and her crew were top-notch, to be certain. But, most guessed, the USS Grail would never be seen again after it left the Alpha Quadrant.

Epic stepped aside to allow a technician access to the turbolift. He moved to stand before the Captains Ready Room. He did not enter. He continued to observe the bridge crew.

At the helm, Epic recognized Lt. Alison Donucci. She stood behind a younger ensign, who sat obediently listening to all his supervisor had to say. Lt. Donucci spoke clearly and succinctly, but Epic could feel the young mans discomfort as he listened. The boy was having a hard time concentrating on the words coming from the beautiful Flight Chief.

Alison Donucci was tall and lean. Her hair was a fountain of loose curls that framed her calm face nicely. But it was her cool green eyes that unsettled the young man. Epic smiled at the boys anxiety. He made a mental note to recommend counseling for the ensign. The young man needed to be able to set aside such distractions if he ever hoped to man the helm of a starship.

At the Ops station, stood a Vulcan. Ensign John Parker. Epic was aware that Parker was not your standard Vulcan. First off, Parker was a half-breed. His mother was human. And secondly, he possessed very little of the famous emotional control of his patrimony. That was why, no doubt, he was here, aboard the Grail. Still, Parker was an excellent

officer on his way up.

With a nod to no one in particular, Epic turned and entered the Ready Room.


<<Captains Ready Room>>

"Commander Epic Terrakian reporting for duty, sir."

Captain Zebediah Cochran looked up at the man he had been unaware of only a second before. Cochran was deep in study of the terminal before him. But, he shut it down when Epic spoke.

"Welcome aboard, Commander." Cochran did not rise to greet his new first officer, but he waved to a seat beside him. Epic stepped smartly over to it and seated himself rigidly. Cochran just stared at him. If Cochran thought he was going to make his new XO uncomfortable with that piercing gaze, Epic felt the man was going to be dreadfully

disappointed. Epic held his gaze evenly and did not so much as flex a toe the whole while. Finally, Cochran snorted and laughed.

"Well, I see I won't be able to intimidate you with my age and wisdom and experience, Commander."

"No, sir.", Epic answered crisply.

"Good. I don't need a man like that.", the Captain said as he rose and stood behind his chair.

Epic recognized the move the man just made. He had encouraged Epic to sit, so that he could stand and assume an authoritative air while addressing his new first officer. Epic mentally shrugged. Let the man play his games. It didn't matter.

"You were chosen for this post for a lot of reasons, Commander.", Cochran started. "But the reason I chose you above all the rest with similar qualifications, is that you are a Betazoid."

Cochran paused, as if to give Epic room to make comment, but Epic simply nodded once, and encouraged the Captain to proceed.

"I need a man like yourself to serve as my liaison between myself and the crew. You have a very practical attitude about your `special talents' and I always want to know what is on the minds of my crew, even if they don't want me to know." Cochran's expression held a hint of challenge, as if daring Epic to offer contradiction, but Epic nodded again.

"I want a `spy', not to put too fine a point on it." Again, Cochran was ready for any argument that Epic might offer. But there was none.

"I understand.", Epic replied coolly.

Cochran relaxed visibly. "Good. I hope you understand, my reasons for imposing upon you like this are quite necessary considering the nature of our mission. We have a slew of good officers, but they are, to speak plainly, tarnished. Like myself."

Cochran did not take that opportunity to detail his near

court-martial over acts committed against the Cardassians, but Epic

didn't need details. He knew what had happened. And Epic was certain he

would have done the same in that circumstance. Despite the outcome.

"I just need to be able to anticipate volatile situations, Commander. The Counselors would be no damned good to me. They just want to `cure' everybody and make them `whole'." There was a degree of mockery in Cochran's voice, but Epic ignored it. He had no love for Counselors, either. Then, Cochran leaned on his knuckles on the table.

"I need some of these `animals' just the way they are. I just need to keep them in check until it is time to cry `Havoc'. You know what I mean, Commander?"

"I understand.", Epic answered evenly.

"Good." Cochran relaxed even more so after that. He stood upright and walked over to the starboard window to stare out into space.

"Get yourself settled in tonight. Starting at 0800 tomorrow, I want you to conduct `interviews' of all department heads and their assistants. I need you to pay careful attention to the mood and demeanor of these individuals. I will expect a full report by 0800 on 714. Understood, Commander?"

"Affirmative.", Epic replied smartly as he stood, sensing the end of his own `interview'. He stood for long silent moment.

"Dismissed.", Cochran remembered to say distractedly before losing himself in the panorama of stars.

Epic left.

<<Stardate: 53713.3- Captains Ready Room>>

Epic sat staring at the bio of his first `interview' on the flat screen of his terminal. Lt. Corvette Hunt. The Jupiterean Assistant Chief of Operations had a list of assignments a mile long and a dizzying up and down career. Epic had made a specific point of not getting his Chiefs input prior to this interview. He wanted to embrace Lt. Hunt without the benefit of any preconceived notions. Of course, the mans bio already put Epic in a certain frame of mind.

Corvette Hunt was a dangerous man. But only if you were an enemy.

"Enter.", Epic called to the doorchime that sounded.

Corvette Hunt was an unmistakable figure. He was taller than almost anyone on board and his skin was so white, it seemed to Epic, that the man was a cartoon whose skin had simply never been `colored in'.

Hunt glided silently into the room with a grace that Epic would not have expected in one so gangly. Maybe `gangly' wasn't the right word, but his limbs were long and strong. Epic indicated a seat with a wave.

Hunt sat. Tall.

"This is a very informal interview, lieutenant. It's purpose is to allow me to become familiar with you in a less two-dimensional way than your bio allows for.

"So, please, tell me about yourself. And also, let me know how I can assist your department."

[[Corvette's response]]

[[Epic's response and interview summary]]

Lt. Alison Donucci entered the Ready Room and sat before Epic had a chance to rise to her presence. He did rise, perfunctorily, but she took no notice of the courtesy. Epic realized that polite customs of Betazed had little place in Starfleet. But, a habit was a habit.

"Lieutenant. I am Epic Terrakian. This interview is simply a `get-to-know-you' session. I was hoping you would tell me a little about yourself and perhaps your impression of the ship. How can I assist your department?"

[[Alison's response]]

[[Epics response and interview summary]]

Epic sat across from Lt. [jg] Eve Mallory and felt absolutely nothing emotive from her. But, why would he, considering her `origins'. He had had very limited contact with her aboard the Nova, but in their brief `relationship' she had managed to affect him. In fact, she had caused him to re-evaluate his own motives and had prevented him from committing murder.

And despite that, he felt that he was sitting across from nothing more than a replicator. A replicator with very nice legs, he noted as she nervously crossed and uncrossed them. But, he felt no trace of the nervousness she seemed to be affecting. It made him feel... well... nothing.

"It is good to see you again, Eve."

She smiled, but Epic was sure she was aware of his insincerity.

"You'll be working alongside another old shipmate, it seems. Lt. Comm. R'Laurent is your departmental supervisor."

Epics heart beat a little phaser when he mentioned R'Laurent's name. He had wanted to see her last night, but had decided it would be best to address her again in a semi-formal environment. After their parting on the Nova, Epic had not expected to see her again, once he had learned the nature of his new assignment. He should have realized that R'Laurent would be doomed to this mission as surely as he was.

"Commander?", Eve brought Epic out of his reverie.

"My apologies, lieutenant.", Epic shook his head. "So, tell me about what has happened since the Nova, and while you're at it, maybe you could tell me a little about what happened to you before."

[[Eves response]]

[[Epics response and interview summary]]

Epic looked at the pixie-ish Lt. Cara Hatcher and noted that she seemed as small as Lt. Corvette Hunt seemed large. But despite her incongruous appearance to the Jupiterean, she was just as dangerous. There was a cool calm about her that only existed on the surface. Her eyes were a frenetic blue fire.

Epic felt that Cara Hatcher was definitely one of the `animals' that Cochran had referred to. Epic was so certain that he, himself, also fit into that category.

"Lieutenant Hatcher. Why don't we start this interview with you telling me a little about yourself. Afterward, we can trade `war stories'. I was a Tactical Officer for most of my career."

[[Cara's response]]

[[Epics response and interview summary]]

Kaitlyn Brennan intrigued Epic as she silently sat across from him. Her record was a little vague, but he wondered what had brought her to the Grail. She was a more-than-qualified engineer and apparently a good officer.

She was also half-Betazoid. Epic was momentarily distracted by another half-Betazoid engineer he had once known, but shook the memories away.

"So, Lt. Brennan. Tell me how you came to this assignment. And anything about yourself you'd like me to know."

[[Kaitlyn's response]]

[[Epics response and interview summary]]

<<Stardate: 53713.6-Mess Hall>>

Epic was relieved to have a break from the interviews of the morning. He had hoped to take this time to sort out his impressions of those whom he had met so far. But, his mind was distracted by a lone diner whom he recognized.

Ensign John Parker sat rigidly while mechanically consuming his meal. Epic had a `thing' for Vulcans. He enjoyed their company for the relief from ambient emotions he was constantly subjected to.

Parker simply nodded at Epics unspoken desire to join him and together, they ate in silence. But, when it seemed Parker was preparing to leave, Epic spoke.

"So, Mr. Parker. What say we trade life stories. Get to know one another. You tell me yours, and I'll tell you mine."

[[Johns response]]

[[Epics response]]

<<Captains Ready Room>>

Epic waited with excruciating patience for the arrival of Chief Science Officer R'Laurent. He was practically quaking. He had never held back his feelings for her, but she had almost always kept him at a distance. And after her stealthy departure from the Nova, three months ago, he wondered if she still felt anything at all for him anymore.

Just because they shared a soul, didn't necessarily make them soulmates, he was afraid to admit.

And that was the thought that ran through his mind when she entered the room.

Epic rose slowly as she entered. He couldn't breath. He could only stare at her. She was more beautiful than when he had last seen her. She seemed to have blossomed in their time away. Blossomed in her time away from him.

He tried not to consider that as she walked toward him.

[[R'Laurent: I would like you to write the reunion of R'Laurent and Epic, leaving me an opening in the end to respond. Use Epic however you like. You know the character as well as I do.]]


<<Stardate: 53713.8- Main Transporter Room>>

Even at the end of such an emotionally exhausting day, Epic still felt a thrill of joy. The twin columns of energy could not re-integrate fast enough for him. He couldn't wait to hold in his arms another who shared his soul.

Arda Kaje smiled warmly at Epic, the smile looking a little alien on her lips. She was lovely, the best attributes of her Bajoran/Cardassian heritage showed in her. Only her eyes were sad. But Epic knew that it was not because of the here and now. He could feel her happiness and excitement. But her eyes showed old pain. That would not go away quickly.

She bent and picked up a basket beside her. Epic rushed forward to grab his soulmate in a deeply needed hug. Epic lifted the baby girl from the basket and hugged her like she was the only thing in the universe.

The baby laughed and squealed and gummed his ear in a fit of affection. Epic laughed out loud with a roar akin to pure pleasure and carried her out of the transporter room, waving his hand for Arda, the girls, to take and follow.

After baby Kaede had finally settled down enough to go to sleep, Epic and Arda sat and talked. Epics sle was plastered to his face. His joy was unmistakable.

"So, Arda. Tell me what's happened since we parted. And...." It suddenly occurred to Epic that he knew very little about her before Epic had adopted her daughter.

He looked at her with a little embarrassment. "And maybe you could tell me more about yourself. You let me adopt your beautiful baby girl, but I know so little about you."

[[Arda's response]]

[[Epic's response and interview summary]]