Subject: "USS Grail: They Were Expendable"-`Man and Machine'

<<Captains Ready Room>>

Epic sat staring up at the cocksure lieutenant. `Excuse me.', he thought. `Lieutenant Commander.' But, there was no real hostility in his heart toward her. She just reminded him of.... someone. `R'Laurent. Say it, you coward.', he fumed inwardly.

He hardly felt anything from Janice Hargen, actually. Except a small spot of affection for her quick smile and easy manner. But, in the final analysis, he felt no more emotion from her than he felt from.....

Epic suddenly locked eyes with Janice in an unexpected spontaneous inspiration. He felt nothing from her. Nothing at all. Her mother had just died, and yet, nothing. `Her mother?', he thought suddenly. `How can she even HAVE a mother?'

"There is nothing more, Lt. Comm. Hargen. Except, tomorrow at 10:00, there will be a Staff meeting. Inform your assistant that her attendance is mandatory and be prepared to give the Captain a full report on the status of the ship."

Hargen nodded and smiled tightly. She couldn't help but notice Epics shrewd and bald new appraisal.

"And, one last thing....", he said, his voice softening, but his eyes narrowing. Their blue seemed to intensify. "... My sincere condolences on the loss of your mother."

Epic sent forth his empathic tendrils with a broad grasping reach. And even though Janice's eyes became glassy for a moment, even though her breathing quickened, and even though she swallowed with difficulty, Epic sensed no more emotion from her than he would have sensed from....

Eve Susan Mallory.

And, just like that, Epic knew. He KNEW. And his face intentionally betrayed his wisdom. But, the knowledge gained did not change one thing:

He still liked her aura. She projected strength and confidence and will. Even if he could not feel it with his heart, he knew it with his mind.


<<Janice's input, if any>>

"I look forward to working with you, Commander. Staff Meeting. 10:00 tomorrow." And then, instead of the expected `Dismissed' he would have favored another officer with, instead, he smiled coolly.

"See you later."