USS Grail: "They Were Expendable"- 'Symbiotes and Parasites'<<Captains Ready Room>>
Commander Epic Terrakian sat in total fascination of the man who sat across from him. Loren Vai sat transfixed in a fugue of memory.
In the first few seconds, Epic thought the man just switched off on him. But Loren's violet eyes became glassy with emotion, and Epic opened his awareness. And found something that he never believed possible.
As the Medical Officer considered his own misery, not only was Epic able to embrace that emotion and feel his sadness. But, there was more.
In addition to Loren's grief, there was the sympathetic sadness of the Trill. The empathy of 5 lifetimes echoing around Loren's own terrible grief. It overwhelmed Epic. He stood abruptly and turned away.
The sudden movement shocked Loren Vai out of his fugue, which lasted all of four seconds, but was still a noticeable lapse. Epic had quickly exploited it, but never expected the symphony of sympathy that the symbiote offers its hosts.
And Epic felt it, too.
Loren Vai continued as matter-of-factly as he started.
"The only thing I need at present is all the Medical Records of the crew. It is imperative that I find an alternate host for Vai." Loren looked sad again. "In case anything happens to me."
Epic quelled his own reaction to the empathic jolt, though a great deal of sympathy for Loren came along with it. And Epic had no idea why he was saddened in the first place. He just felt it.
"Apart from that, Commander. I see no problems."
Epic stood silent for a long moment. He had a difficult time repressing the mild grief he felt. `Damn! They should warn Betazoids about Trills.'
"Then, we have no problems, Doctor. I look forward to working with you.", Epic extended a hand, which Loren shook. The empathic shock from the contact made Epic wince. One might have gotten the impression that Loren squeezed his hand too hard. But, it wasn't his hand that was squeezed. It was his soul. And he liked it.
"Staff Meeting at 10:00 tomorrow. See you then."
Then, Epic tuned to the replicator and took from it a cool glass of water, which he promptly drank dry.
It was incredible. The feelings he took from Loren Vai were the most powerful he had ever felt. But, Epics mind had already considered something better.
If his grief could invoke such beautiful sympathy from the symbiote, what would pleasure bring? And Love? Epic decided that he was going to find out.
Yes. He had made a very definite decision to get to know Doctor Loren Vai, much better.