"USS Grail: They Were Expendable"-Kaitlyn's Cooperation'<<Captains Ready Room>>
Kaitlyn stood and said, "If that is all, I will be going."
"That is not all, lieutenant.", Epic said as he returned to his seat. He indicated Kaitlyn reseat herself with an extended hand. "There are matters that need discussing that I am going to require your complete attention and discretion for."
She sat, intrigued by the gravity in his tone. Epic continued.
"Your direct supervisor is Lt. Janice Hargen. She will be reporting in tomorrow. There was a death in her family and there were matters that required her attention."
Kaitlyn nodded once in sympathetic understanding.
Epic, however, sighed inwardly. Hargen's mother had died only a few hours ago. She would have been late reporting in even if this unfortunate incident hadn't occurred.
Hargen's mother was reputed, but not exactly confirmed, to be a prostitute. Epic held no judgement of this. His own mother was not entirely different, although she owned the arrogant distinction of being a `sexual surrogate'. And like Hargen, Epic never really knew who his father was.
He shook away the distractions. The parallels he was drawing between himself and the new Chief Engineer were becoming unsettling.
Besides, in most other respects, Epic Terrakian and Janice Hargen were completely different.
"But, it is not her personal family crisis' that I want to discuss with you.", Epic finally continued. "Lt. Hargen has a notorious history of disobeying direct orders and disregarding command structure. And while her talents as an engineer are impressive, to say the least, it is not always superior skills that make for a superior engineer."
Kaitlyn wondered when Terrakian would get around to his point. He did so immediately after the thought had left her head. As if he had heard it. He was Betazoid after all.
"Lt. Brennan. You need to be more than Lt. Hargen's assistant chief. You need to be able to replace her on a moments notice, in the event that she might need to be relieved of duty."
Epic let that sink in a moment or two before continuing.
"Now....", Epic leaned back in his chair and some of the gravity left his voice. "...I have not yet met Lt. Hargen, and have myself been the victim of unfair misrepresentations. Lt. Hargen may, in all actuality, be as competent and efficient an officer as you are reported to be."
But, he became serious again.
"But, if she isn't, I need you to be able to assume her role. Also....", Epic leaned in and his voice became a little lower. "..I need you to keep an eye on her and report directly to me anything that you might think extraordinary."
Kaitlyn sat there looking at him expressionlessly. Epic had almost no sense of Brennan's feelings on the subject he had just addressed.
"So, then, lieutenant...", he leaned back again, the controlled professional. "...unless you have any questions or comments.