"USS Grail: They Were Expendable"-`Interviews, Day 2'<<Stardate 73714.2>>
<<Comm. Epic Terrakians Quarters>>
Epic woke before the computer prompt he had requested before retiring only four hours ago. He awoke still emotionally drained from the previous days encounters.
And he had dreamed of R'Laurent last night.
He could not remember the details of the indistinct dream, but he awoke feeling a little combative and irritable, so he assumed it was the same as all the dreams he had had about her.
In each of them, she was fleeing him through some gothic mansion. He would never actually achieve her till near the end, but rather, he would always catch just a hint of the gossamer shroud that she wore. But he always eventually caught her.
And that was when the fighting would begin, and the dream would end.
He angrily threw aside his covers and headed for the shower.
<<Captains Ready Room>>
Epic had completed the reports he would submit to Captain Cochran of all the officers he had interviewed thus far. But, he knew, his reports on Lt. Janice Hargen and Lt. Loren Vai would be rushed and incomplete if he were to submit them on time.
He shrugged. It didn't matter. It wasn't a transcript Cochran was looking for. It was Terrakians `perceptions'. And a hell of a lot of good Epics perceptions of Janice Hargen would be. Her mind was supposed to be as impossible to read as Starfleet Intelligence reports.
Well, at least she would be first. If she ever got here. Epic checked the chronometer several times.
But, Epic worried for nothing. Lt. Janice Hargen arrived promptly twenty minutes later than her scheduled appointment.
She entered and stood in a semi-rigid posture of attention. Epic considered offering her a seat, but she would probably refuse. But, then, he realized he was doing it. He was judging her based on a preconceived notion based on hearsay and highly suspect reports.
He offered her a chair.
"Thank you. No. I prefer to remain standing."
Epic laughed unexpectedly and heartily at her refusal. And Hargen's laugh was as genuine. And as unexpected. The moment was brief, but it set a stage that Epic hoped would be the norm from here on out.
He sat. "Listen, Lt. Hargen. We both know that your disciplines records are atrocious and any attempt I made to `break' you, or `whip you into shape' would be a waste of both our times and energies. So let's make a deal:
"You don't do anything to make my life Hell, and I will do everything I can to keep your life from being Hell.
<<Janice's response>>
"That being said and done, maybe you could tell me a little about yourself."
<<Captains Ready Room>>
Lt. Loren Vai entered the Ready Room with an affectation of timidity. But, Epic noted immediately, whatever his body-language, Loren Vai's eyes saw everything with an air of understanding, and to a degree, boredom.
Epic had had no previous experience with a Joined Trill and, he admitted to himself, perhaps he was not the best one to conduct this interview. This seemed a job for the Ships Counselor. If they ever assigned the Grail one. They would be leaving for the Beta Quadrant in three days. Then, the unknown.
Epic was momentarily captivated by the violet eyes of the man. Epic had always had a great deal of respect for medical professionals, but Loren Vai commanded something a little more. And the underlying emotions of the Trill buffeted Epic like the chaotic swirls of a desert arroyo.
In essence, there was a party going on inside Loren Vai's mind. And Epic wished he was there.
"Doctor...", Epic finally stuttered out. "..This interview is just an informal meeting to get to know one another better. Is there anything you would like me to be aware of, considering your .... nature?
"And, is there anything you feel you might need before we leave everything we know behind?"
<<Loren Vai's response>>