Subject: USS Grail: They were Expendable - Eve's Interview

Location: Captain's Ready Room

Eve sat in Commander Terrakian's office, watching him watch her. She always felt uneasy around him, as though he was looking right into her head. But she knew that was impossible; Starfleet Intelligence had brought in a number of telepaths to try reading

her mind, all with the same lack of success.

She wasn't sure how she felt about that. On one level it was nice to be able to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself, on the other, it was just another thing that marked her as different.

But that wasn't the reason Terrakian made her nervous. For a moment two conversations, one outside The Bristol Lounge and the other in a crowded Sickbay flashed through her mind. He was responsible for that, and for rectifying the situation in his own strange way. She admired that. But she knew what he had reclaimed, and she knew what it was capable of. And *that* made her nervous.

"It is good to see you again, Eve." His voice was calm and friendly, but she wasn't fooled for a second. "You'll be working alongside another old shipmate, it seems. Lt. Comm. R'Laurent is your departmental supervisor."

*And I wonder what strings you had to pull to get her here.* Eve thought. *Just couldn't let her go, could you?* She watched his expression turn inward as though seeing something. "Commander?" She said, hoping to bring him back to the present.

"My apologies, lieutenant.", Epic shook his head. "So, tell me about what has happened since the Nova, and while you're at it, maybe you could tell me a little about what happened to you before."

Eve shifted. "Well, after a week of 'de-briefing' at Lerins Station, I got shifted to Earth for more questions and testing; there are some people in Starfleet who need to see something before they can believe it." She paused, her expression turned haunted. "So

I convinced them."

"Next thing I know, I'm getting briefed on Starfleet and Science protocols, this mission, and told to report here." She gave a twisted smile. "It seems that what I am and what I can do, make a lot of people nervous. And they'd rather I was somewhere else,

preferably a long way away" She shook her head. "Kind of ironic really, considering how I got this way." The smile came back. "Haven't had a chance to see my records yet either; how much of it did they classify?"