USS Grail: They were Expendable - Special DeliveryUSS Grail: They were Expendable - Special Delivery
A joint post written by:
Commander Epic Terrakian & Lieutenant (jg) Eve Mallory
Featuring: Lieutenant Logan Castle
Eve stayed with R'Laurent for as long as the other woman wanted, helping her pack, and just generally staying close in case she wanted to talk. Which she didn't. Finally, Eve
left her, and made her way to the Science Labs. It wouldn't do any harm to make sure everything was as it should be, and also to check the security and equipment that had been set up in Science Lab 14. It was a lot smaller and was away from the other labs; Eve assumed that its location was in case there was any private or dangerous research or work that needed to be done that only took three or four scientists to do the work.
She walked through the other labs without being challenged. The Grail was still quiet at this time of night, proper shifts had not yet been established, and wouldn't be till the ship actually left Earthdock. So everyone was still asleep. Although as she made her way through the empty labs, the lights brightened, signifying the end of the ship 'night'
Everything seemed to be in order here. Eve walked down the corridor towards the door that proclaimed '14' in black letters on the doors. As she did, she mused on R'Laurent's
re-assignment. R'Laurent had at least been aware of her past (such as it was), and knew her. A new Chief Science Officer wouldn't be either of those things. Eve was sure of
her ability to be able to convince someone that she was an experienced Officer, but it would have been nice to not have to, at least to her direct superior. She shrugged. Couldn't be helped...
She arrived at the door and looked up at the ceiling above, trying to spot the surveillance cameras. She couldn't. Good. The pictures went direct to the Security Chief's Office, allowing him or her to see who went in and out. She turned her attention
to the lit padd of numbers.
"Computer," She said. "Run diagnostic of recorded codes."
[Inputted codes will perform desired functions]
"Does this include emergency jettison code?"
Eve nodded. Entering that code would jettison the Lab and it's contents in case the 'Specimen' somehow got free. She entered the entry code and the doors opened.
Inside was a small empty antechamber and another large door, that resembled the entrance to a bank vault. To one side of the door was another entry padd, but this one had
a grill and retinal scanner. Eve waited for the outer door to slide shut, then put one eye to the scanner and watched it light up.
[Retinal scan confirmed. Mallory, Eve Susan.]
"Mary had a little lamb, it's fleece was white as snow."
[Voice print confirmed]
There was a solid *THUNK* and the door started to slide open. It was very thick and she was also glad to notice the solid bars in the middle.
Inside was a normal lab. One wall had a large recess; this was where the cryo-tube would go. The power outlets were waiting; all she would have to do once the transport had been
initiated was plug the tube in. She moved to the consoles, checking through the files and data presented. All present and correct. She spent a few minutes re-configuring the consoles so they would present the data fast enough for her. Then checked through all the equipment in the lab, checking everything off on her mental list, making sure all she had asked for was there. It seemed that it all was. They may have wanted her out of the way, but they didn't want her research hampered by poor or missing equipment, it seemed. She smiled at the irony of it.
It all seemed fine. Now there was just one thing left to do.
"Computer, download all files and information pertaining to The Borg into the long-term Holographic Technician Program, including those files given Alpha 1 clearance. Authorization code: LHT security code Alpha Beta Epsilon three two five one June eight Green four. Also download all Starfleet & Starfleet Science Protocols, and necessary Security Protocols appropriate to security clearance. Also download LHT security authorization code to LHT memory."
The LHT would be her assistant, and unofficial Security against intrusion. Like the EMH, it could be solid or not as the situation demanded. Like the EMH, it had a basic AI to allow it to work on it's own if necessary.
[Files downloaded]
That was the easy part. Now for something that just might get her in trouble. She'd worked with an LHT for a short while at Starfleet Science. The basic AI 'personality' was abrupt and ascerbic; there was no way, she'd want to work with *that* for the whole mission.
So she'd gone on a little hacking mission, looking for files from over a century ago, that she hoped would be available somewhere in the system. They were, but it had taken almost a week to find them. She had been pleasantly surprised to find them.
"Computer, access Psychological Profile and Personal Logs of Professor Cecelia Bertollucci contained in my personal files, and my own personal logs pertaining to the same individual. Create personality matrix based on these files, then save."
[Matrix created and saved]
Good. All done. She would initiate the LHT later, and add the new matrix to the mix then.
She took a final look around the lab. It was all ready.
"Computer what's the time?"
[9:20 am, Earth Standard Time]
"Mallory to Commander Terrakian."
[Terrakian here]
"I'm ready down here, Commander. You can authorize transport whenever you like."
[I am on my way, lieutenant.] Epic replied before closing the channel.
<<Science Lab 14>>
Epic stepped off the turbolift and approached Science Lab 14. Already standing outside the door, falling into a stance of attention at the Commanders approach, was Lt. Logan Castle, the newly assigned Security Chief.
"At ease, Lt. Castle.", Epic waved to him. Castle fell into `parade rest'.
"Sir.", Castle spoke in a low voice, but still, he projected. "The android is already inside. She has been primarily down-loading files."
Epic only just noticed the Security Tricorder that jutted from his hip. On his other hip, was a type II phaser. Epic supposed he should possess one, too. But, no. This was just another piece of equipment. Like a replicator.
Or Eve Mallory.
But, then, he thought, `I don't really mean that, though, do I?' Epic nodded to Castle and together, they entered the Science Lab.
The two men found Eve near the vault. She stood at the console through which all functions were routed. That included the Main Computer as well as Transporter Control. It was a small Lab. The Engineers optimized.
Epic Terrakian moved up to flank Eve on the right. His fingers moved to the transporter controls, but simply hovered. Waiting. Lt. Logan Castle flanked Eve on the left, monitoring all Security functions. And Eve, standing between the two men, shoulder to
shoulder, monitored all bio-functions of the specimen.
As Epic stood beside Eve, he made a sudden decision. More a realization, really. She was the only person he had ever really `relaxed' around. Like, aboard the Nova. While dozens of voices supported by their intense emotions bombarded Epic at a time of personal crisis, only Eve Mallory's voice was actually heard. And that was because her thoughts and expressions were not clouded by her personal feelings. Epic didn't have to feel while she was around. He only had to listen.
"Starfleet Command. Initiate transport after the third authorization has been committed.", Comm. Epic Terrakian started suddenly, realizing he had been daydreaming.
[Commence authorization sequence] , came the asexual reply.
"Commander Epic Terrakian: Beta Alpha Delta four seven three Zulu Epsilon. Initiate transport."
"Lt. Logan Castle: Security: Gamma Gamma Alpha nine nine two Delta Omega."
Epic smiled down at the android and nodded for her to finish the sequence. And Epics smile might have been almost genuine, he realized. Because it was motivated by no other soul but his own.
Eve took a deep breath. "Lt. Eve Mallory: Alpha Alpha Epsilon two three seven seven Omega eight Blue nine. Confirming password: Peekaboo."
[Authorization sequence accepted. Transport commencing]
The white sparkle of the transporter beam filled the alcove. Within seconds it had cleared to reveal the tall black coffin-like container that was the Cryo-stasis module. Various readouts and LED's stood out stark on its smooth surface. The clear face-plate was rimmed with frost.
Two men, dressed in the uniform of a Starfleet Officer had also dematerialized with the cryo-tube; One, in security colors, was carrying a steel case manacled to his wrist. Eve stepped forward and together she and the unmanacled Officer began to connect
the power and various cables, linking the tube to the ship like many small umbilicles. The job was finished in moments. The man stepped back, and turned to face the Guard with the case. He reached to his belt, and produced a small mechanism which he touched to the manacle. There was a click, and it came loose. The Guard stepped forward with the case, and a small PADD. He handed the PADD to Eve, who pressed her thumb to it then handed it back. Then he handed her the case, and stepped back. The guard tapped his badge twice.
That must have been a pre-arranged signal, because almost immediately the two men were transported away again.
Eve took the case, and placed it on a surface top. She made no move to open the case just yet, but did check the locking mechanism
"All done," She said finally. "Thank you both."
"Our pleasure, Lieutenant." Epic replied. "Do not forget the Staff meeting at 10."
Eve flashed him a smile. "I won't." She looked up. "Computer, remind me when the time is 10 minutes before Staff meeting at 10 am."
Eve turned to Lt. Castle. "After the meeting, would you like to sit down and discuss the security of the Lab? Or is everything to your satisfaction?"
"I will review the files, and let you know." Castle replied.
Both officers left, leaving Lt. Mallory alone.