Subject: USS Grail: They were expendable - more pre-meeting

Science Lab 14 - 09:50 EDT

[Time index is now 09:50]

Eve looked up. *Damn! I just got started!* she thought. She checked the lab to make sure everything was secure, then left. She moved off at a brisk trot for the Turbo-Lift; wouldn't do to be late, especially if R'Laurent's replacement was already there.

The Turbolift rose swiftly, and she was able to walk in to the conference room with 5 minutes to spare. She saw an Admiral standing in one corner, but she wasn't the last one

to arrive, which was a blessing. That honor went to Lt. Castle who came in a minute later.

He sat down to her left, smiled at her, then leaned towards her. "Listen, lieutenant. I tried reading the reports on your proposed security protocols, but it is just an endless data stream of facts. How about tonight, after our shift, you and I, me and you, we

sit in the lounge, toast the start of our long voyage. And maybe you can give me the practical layman's version of these security ideas."

He topped this off with a roguish smile. It was all Eve could do not to laugh; talk about being up-front! Castle *may* have been interested in talking about the security protocols over drinks, but that wasn't the only reason. It had been a long time since anyone had flirted with her (just over 105 years to be exact), and it would be fun to play a little.

She gave him the benefit of a lazy smile, and a half cocked eyebrow. "I'd love to, Lieutenant. How does 1900 sound?"

He nodded and agreed. Then to Eve's amazement and further amusement, he turned to the woman on his other side, Lt. Hatcher. She watched him deliver another spell, and caught Hatcher's eye briefly, rolling her eyes as she did so. Hatcher's eyes sparked with amusement right back.

Eve let her get on with it, and cast her eyes around the room. The Admiral was still standing in the corner, watching the group, but it looked as though the Captain and Terrakian were still missing. *Wonder why she's here now, and not coming in with the Captain and XO?*

"You boys play cards?" It was Castle again. *Doesn't he ever stop talking?* "You know. Poker. Blackjack. Spades. Because I always host a game once a week. Flexible schedule. Whatdyasay?" And before either Hunt or Parker could respond, Castle opened the offer up to the room. "That goes for anyone. Lt. Brennan. Lt. Donucci. I'll gladly take a woman's money, also. Dr. Vai? "

Eve tapped him on the shoulder. "Joker's Wild?" She asked. "Because you can count me in!"

<<OOC: If the Grail were a movie:-

Lieutenant Eve Mallory -- Lauren Holly (with red hair, but not the style in 'Picket Fences')>>