Subject: Grail: "They Were Expendable" - 'The Truth is Out There'

Captain's Ready Room


Janice stood, watching Epic as he examined her after her pronouncement of exactly how she operated within command structures. A half-smile came to her face. *Well, now that that is out of the way, I wonder if he'll back out on our deal now...* Her smile widened into a full grin. She looked at him, examining his expression.

Her grin froze as his deep blue eyes locked with her own green brown ones. A sudden chill ran up her spine. Her stomach churned. Only one thought flashed through her mind. *He knows.*

She blinked, consciously tearing her eyes away from his deadly gaze. *I don't know how he knows. I don't know how I know it. But I just know that he knows!*

He broke the silence that had heavily settled over the room. "There is nothing more, Lt. Cmdr. Hargen. Except, tomorrow at 10:00, there will be a Staff meeting. Inform your assistant that her attendance is mandatory and be prepared to give the Captain a full report on the status of the ship."

Janice could only nod. It was the only movement her shock would allow her. She attempted a smile to relieve the tension, but it barely formed. She snapped back into reality as he continued.

"And, one last thing...," he said. Janice shivered as his voice softened, but his eyes narrowed. She didn't think it would be possible, but his eyes seemed to get even bluer. " sincere condolences on the loss of your mother."

Her heart stopped suddenly - again. She tried to take a quick intake of breath but her throat was too tight. Her eyes filled with tears. *Why her? Why now?* she groaned to herself. *Because he knows!!* an inner voice screamed inside her, driving her near insanity. She had never been so torn before. No one had ever discovered her secret. No one had even come close. Not even when the accident occurred, no one had suspected a thing.

She came so close to just bursting right then. Bursting out emotionally, telling him everything. The only thing that kept her from doing so was years of training. Years of keeping the truth from everyone. Years of lies, years of hiding. Only that kept her from breaking down both emotionally and mentally and telling him everything. She didn't say a thing, praying that what she knew so deep in her heart was wrong. *Perhaps he doesn't know after all,* she prayed. *But why else would he ask about mother?!* the inner voice screamed, hysterical. Somehow, she managed to keep a calm expression - as cold as a Vulcan, excepting the one tear that rolled down her cheek, gently curving with her facial structure.

Epic stared at her, and then continued. "I look forward to working with you, Commander. Staff Meeting. 10:00 tomorrow." Janice managed another nod, just praying to escape from this room. *Say dismissed. Please say dismissed,* she prayed, keeping her mouth shut, hoping the silence would make him think she had nothing more to say. For if she stayed any longer, she didn't know how long she could control herself.

"See you later," Epic stated, almost like a friend. Janice blinked. *What?... Nevermind that, just leave!*

"Yes, sir," she croaked, barely managing to form the words with her frozen mouth. She turned and left. She had every right to be upset, she told herself. How else are you supposed to feel when someone finds out that you are an android?