Grail: They were expendable - Or perhaps that's what they were supposed to think(OOC: Hello everyone. I hope this long journey to be quite enjoyable, although be prepared to feel some anger, pain, frustration, deceptions and amazement from time to time.
... (Content Restricted) ...
On another note, many of you I know from the Defender PbEM, and also many of you use ICQ. To all of them, and anyone interested, there's a new version of ICQ, which is much cooler, better graphics, a lot of new functions, and a lot of bug corrections. Download it from the ICQ homepage, or later I could maybe point you to the exact address to
get only the upgrade, which is smaller than the complete program, and it allows you to keep your contact lists without losing them. If someone has absolutely no idea of what am I talking about, or you just want more info, write me a letter or visit the ICQ homepage:
Well, that was a big introduction. Now back to the game...)
<<Captains Ready Room>>
Lt. Cmdr. Corvette Hunt looked around him and tried to focus on the man he had at front. Good looking, and definitively smart-looking, he had something that bothered him, and bothered him a lot.
May I ask you if you are in any way telepathic?", Corvette asked Cmdr. Terrakian.
Epic smiled broadly. "I am a full Betazoid, if that is what you are asking."
"That is what I supposed." Corvette Hunt closed his eyes and Epic began receiving less and less and less input from the Jupiterean, until finally he couldn't receive a single thing from Hunt's brain.
Epic watched and felt the man deliberately shut him out. To Epic, what the man was essentially doing, was blinding a man who could see because he himself was blind. But Corvette Hunt had not achieved entirely the effect he was hoping for.
As Betazoids went, Epic was among the least gifted telepathically. All his life, Epic had been considered something of a `runt' where powers of telepathy were concerned. But, as an empath, Epic was almost unrivalled. He might not ever know what you were thinking. But he almost always knew what you were feeling.
But, he allowed Corvette his victory. Despite Epics empathic prowess, Corvette Hunt had still managed to control his emotional responses to a point where Epic needed to pay more attention to his body-language, than to the ambient emotional flavors.
"How did you do that?", Epic asked with genuine curiosity. "Are you in any way a telepath?"
"No. But I learned through my years, several ways to block other persons away from ones thoughts. Part I learned from my special training, I am sure you are aware of."
Epic nodded. Yes. He was aware.
"The other part I learned in my contact with some special worlds and races, but, no. I am no telepath."
"I see.", responded Epic, who turned to pull up Corvettes bio on-screen.
"Here it says that in your third court-martial, the charges were dropped rather unexpectedly. Would you care to fill me in with the details?"
It didn't require a telepath, just a trained observer, to notice how uncomfortable the question had turned out to be for Corvette.
"No. I don't care to do that. And don't even appeal to your high-ranking connections for any political favors in regards of this matter. It won't do you any good. And it won't do them any good."
Epic didn't like the way in which Corvette was trying to dissuade him. There was the suggestion of... opposition.
"Are you threatening me?"
"No. I am warning you, that there are some people who don't want that information divulged. And, believe me, they can be very persuasive about it."
Epic just looked at the pale-skinned man. He was understandably protective of his `skeletons'. Epic had a few himself. But, Corvette's skeletons seemed to include others in Starfleet. `Who' was covering `what' up? Epic made a mental note to not include these questions in his report to the Captain. He intended to learn the mysteries of Corvette
Hunt. But, he would do it slowly. Time was on Epics side.
"I see.", Epic finally said. There was the suggestion of challenge in Epics eyes, but he quickly suppressed it and put on his `professional' face. "So, what can I do for your department?"
"Give me full cooperation, and I'll run things as smoothly as a Rigellian Tiger. First of all, I need full access to all the crew bios and positions, in order to determine shift rotations and such."
"Done.", Epic nodded.
"Then, I will need a complete ships inventory."
"Of course, you will have access to all the receiving logs and the manifests of standard supplies laid in.", Epic said. "But, if you want a physical count of all the ships resources, I leave that accounting to your department. We have four days, Mr. Hunt. I would like a completed report in three."
Hunts face and mind remained cool and focused.
"And, I'd like your permission to search every officers quarters for any sign of hidden weaponry, devices, pets, or anything which might not be stated on their cargo manifests."
"Denied.", Epic stated with bewildered emphasis. He looked at the big Jupiterean for a long moment.
"Mr. Hunt. What you are asking, not only violates standard codes of privacy, but also rests within the responsibilities of Security. And if my Security Chief asked me for a complete room by room search without the benefit of a genuine emergency, I would deny him, too. "
"I will, however, allow you complete freedom to use internal sensors to scan for the things you mentioned. But we will not be turning upside down, the beds of a crew whose latest assignment is rumored a death sentence."
Corvette Hunt look straight into the eyes of his new commander. Thinking to himself, he figured he would be a good commander. Respectful on law and probably abiding by tradition. That last part remained to be seen. But to him, the small test he had put to him had turned out satisfactory. There would be more, but all in time due.
"I am surprised you asked me that." Terrakian interrupted Corvette's thoughts, unaware of the voices in Hunt's head.
"Yeah, well. I guess it's part of my intel training." A smile was drawn on Corvette's face. A smile sure to freeze Hell. And everyone in it.