Grail: They were expendable - Analyzing how expendable they are(OOC: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I believe there's another celebration also, so Happy Hanukah, (or whatever it is written). No time to post messages, only to read them, perhaps it's time I begin posting more regularly.)
(OOC 2: It will be better if everyone starts their titles with Grail instead of USS Grail, or "USS Grail...". It's so much easier to sort out when you get 20+ messages)
Grail: They were expendable -
Analyzing how expendable they are
Lt. Cmdr. Corvette Hunt personal log. Stardate 53714.8 (OOC 3: I think someone should decide which year are we and how the stardate is defined, since many of you are writing very different dates)
"After analyzing all day crew biographies, I can't simply go on any longer. The amount of tragedy, desolation, grief, pain and agony most of this crew has suffered it's unbelievable. It's a wonder how most of this individuals are actually alive, not to say, sane of mind. However, I find that many of them, have unique abilities which can perform in a way no other starfleet officer can. I'm trying to sort out who's best for each job I assign, but I wonder if they're uniqueness will prevail against their insanities. I've found it specially difficult to access some of the crew's biographies, being held to as confidential, secret, for your eyes only, even a grelka and a rhoztinik authorization code required. I've spent too many favors today, just in order to access this information, as well as violated over 26 starfleet security codes in order to retrieve such information. It really was worth it though, since a lot of this data could prove very useful in the future."
- Priority one transmission from Saturn Beta Base -
"Computer, pause log. Open secure channel, authorization Hunt omega epsilon 2 zero 3 mark."
- Channel Open -
The logo of starfleet command appeared on-screen.
- You have 10 seconds to input correct code or transmission would be terminated -
"Establish Link and Confirm Voice Print, Agent Odysseus."
- Standby for retinal and palm scan -
Corvette puts it's face in front of the screen while touching it with his left hand.
- Identity confirmed. Please standby. -
The screen was blank for a few seconds, and then the face of an old friend appeared on it.
"Good to see you Odysseus."
"Same here Zeus. Did my prayers to you reached your godly ears."
"As much as it grieves me, they have. I have summoned Athena, and she's granted me that which you seek."
"I welcome your gift, noble Zeus."
"I'll send it with my thunder. I hope you return to Ithaca quite soon."
"So do I."
The screen turned black once more. Moments later, tiny bits of data began poking on the screen.
Corvette Hunt waited until no more activity was registered. "Computer begin decode algorithm stored in computer chip Hunt 23 alpha 1."
The seemingly random data, began slowly transforming itself into actual understandable data. Lieutenant (jg) Eve Susan Mallory's file appeared onscreen.
"Finally, the last classified bio is now decoded. Computer, store this information with all other crew biographies and scramble using last algorithm. Then close all files and rescramble using protocols roger theta 2 and 6 7 alpha."
Waiting for the computer to finish coding the data, Corvette began to swirl into the past.
6 years ago...
His instructor's teachings were echoing in Corvette's head. "and whatever you do, you must maintain an emotional distance from everyone you know. Treat your friends cautiously, and be prepared to be back-stabbed by them at the first opportunity..."
Although he never had agreed to that, he had always uphold what his teacher had taught him as sacred. Besides, it was easy to follow his advice, since he had so very little friends, yet those he had, he treasured them.
The mines at Brinn were cold. The mission was simple. Infiltrate the compound, neutralize any opposition, steal the prototype and leave. Everything was going according to plans. He and Monchi, his best friend were both on the mission.
"Ok Corvette. You take the right, I'll go left." Monchi whispered as he entered a cave. That was the last time Corvette saw his friend alive.
As he entered the cave and approached his target, the distant sound of phaser fire, and the shouting of his friend had warned him of had being discovered. He was about to turn and go help him, when the sound of his teacher's voice echoed once again in his head "... maintain your emotional distance...". As a tear fell from his eye, he rushed into the command center, took the prototype and left. He went a different way and emerged from the mine in order to be picked up by a snow skimmer.
As he got farther and farther away from that cave, his mind wondered if he should have tried to help his friend, or was it good to leave him to die. Starfleet intelligence thought that he had done the right thing. Did he?
- Data coded and stored -
The computer chirped. Corvette wiped a tear from his face. He had never had a true friend after that. How could he, if he knew that in his line of work, sooner or later he would have to leave him behind?