Subject: USS-Nova/Grail: "Shore Leave", "They Were Expendable", "Transfer , Orders, Part II

Shore leave

SFI office Larins station

Commander Aidoann & Lt. Arda

"Aidoann to Arda Kaje"

Arda was wandering about the station when she received the page.

"Arda here."

"I need you to report to the Starfleet Intelligence office."

"Aye Sir."

Arda made her way to the Intelligence office. There she was met by an attractive woman with Lt.'s pips on her collar.

"Ma'am, I'm Lt. Stiller. Commander Aidoann is waiting to see you."

The Lieutenant lead Arda to an office where Aidoann sat behind a desk, the pips on her shoulder reflecting a promotion to Commander.

"Please sit down Arda."

"Thank you. I see that congratulations are in order for you" Arda said, indicating the pips on Aidoann's shoulder.

"Yes. Thank you. Now, I believe I can help you. If you want the help that is."

"Well," Arda began, finding herself slightly confused about the offer, "I would be grateful for any help you can provide."

Aidoann smiled. "I am sure, especially with the sudden change to motherhood."

"Well, yes. That does concern me. I feel that the baby will need a father-figure. Epic volunteered for that job, but he was then transferred. He offered me a chance to go with him, but since it's a deep space mission, I don't know if I want to put Kaede in that kind of danger. Now my only choice is to stay aboard the Nova."

"I understand your dilemma. However, perhaps I have another possible solution." Aidoann handed a Padd to her.

"As you can see, I have been authorized to alter your past record to reflect that you were actually a deep cover SFI agent in the Maquis for the past 5 years and was recently

extracted, debriefed and reassigned to the Nova. This should enable you to lead a fairly normal life. Also, your past has been classified as "Secret", only accessible by those of proper security clearance. Anything further on who or where you were has been classified and buried so deep that the President of the Federation won't even be able to find it." Aidoann joked.

Kaje didn't look at it as a laughing matter. They were talking about her and her daughter's destiny. She had a feeling the other day, that this meeting would be to try and recruit her into Intel. Since Luc had been a part of it for so long and now they had taken him back, she assumed they wanted her as well. After all, Luc had done nothing but commend her for her work on their "mission".

"Also, I have taken the liberty to have you listed as retired from SFI to raise a family. This should free you up from suspicion on the Maquis' part. I have also taken the liberty of having your bags packed and sent to your new home." This triggered her interest. She was being reassigned anyway?

"What??" Arda stammered.

"I know you weren't sure about this, but I understand you wanted a father figure for Kaede. Starfleet has decided that perhaps keeping the new family together would be in best interests for all. You are to report to the USS Grail for reassignment. The Grail is scheduled to leave within the hour. I strongly suggest you get over there as soon as possible, Lieutenant."

"I'm not sure what to say, I-" Arda stammered. If keeping the three together was best then......

"That is all. You are dismissed."

Arda slowly stumbled out of the office, still slightly stunned by news.

I will continue shortly.