Subject: They Were Expendable

"So Mr. Parker. What say we trade life stories. Get to know one another. You tell me yours, and Ill tell you mine."

"As you are undoubtedly aware Commander, my official records are classified by Star Fleet Command. The clearance needed to access those files lie in the hands of only a few people. It would be illog.. a breach of regulations for me to divulge their contents to you sir".. Parker said mentally kicking himself for slipping so easily into the Vulcan mode of thinking.

"I am fully aware of those files being classified Mr. Parker. I was referring to your life before that.".. Terrakian said.

"Yes of course Commander. I didn't mean to imply that you didn't.".. Parker said a little distastefully.

Terrakian was a little surprised at the strength of the emotions that were pouring out of Parker. Usually Vulcans had strong emotions, but they rarely "showed them" in public places. He sat back with out saying a word until Parker continued.

"I was born on Vulcan. My Father was Vulcan and My mother Human. Until the age of ten when my parents divorced, I was brought up in the traditional Vulcan manner. It was not something I enjoyed, or even liked in the least bit. At that time I moved with my mother to Earth and was brought up in a manner befitting the culture. In my search for the past culture of earth, I discovered the 20th century. History is a habit of sorts for me. At the age of 18 I entered Star Fleet Academy. I graduated a year ahead of my fellow classmates. I have served on 3 starships since that point. At that time, I left Star Fleet for personal reasons. And that as they say is that. That is were my past ends."

Terrakian noticed that Parker had left out large chunks of information in his past. For instance he had heard that Parker used to be a Lt. Commander and a department head.

"Go on John".. he said.

"With all due respect Commander my personal life is just that, personal. I am not comfortable in speaking of my past because it has done nothing but cause trouble for me. There is a reason for Star Fleet to classify my past. It was at the time what my Father would say a logical decision on their part. It is however not something I tend to dwell on. And as your Betazoid senses are telling you, I do not like being half Vulcan. I consider it one of my character flaws as such. It is however not something that I can control as you can probably tell.".. he said hatefully and matter of factly.

"Ensign, how did you know I was a betazoid?"

"That is one of the few advantages of being half vulcan. I can sense telepathy in others to a small degree. And I also reviewed all of the crews files before I came aboard.".. Parker said.

"How is it that an Ensign has access to personal files for the crew of this ship?".. Terrakian asked.

"As you may or may not know, I have just transferred from Star Fleet Covert Operations directly under the control of command. I have access to a wide variety of files.".. Parker said.