"USS Grail: They Were Expendable"- `Composure regained'"With all do respect Commander, I am happy where I am at. I do not enjoy the idea of killing people, but I assure you that I am quite capable of doing it. I have been in Operations since I joined the fleet, and that is where command prefers me at this time.".. Parker said a little more relaxed and calm than before.
"Are you sure Ensign, I could recommend..."
"Yes sir, I am quite sure".. he said quickly regaining his composure.. "I am sorry Commander. I have received some very disturbing news today and my limited control of my Vulcan emotions is faltering to some degree. I have just learned that my father has contracted Bendii syndrome. When I tried to contact him, he refused my transmission. And as in so far as my current status in Star Fleet is concerned.. well lets just say Command is sending me on this mission so they can get me out of their hair, or better yet to remove an eye sore from them. But they still like to know what I am doing.".. Parker said.
Terrakian noticed that his ability to read Parker's thoughts were decreasing rapidly. It would seem that when he was calm he had the extreme ability to control his thoughts.
Parker silently decided that he would request that his full set of records be sent to the commander. It might take some calling in of favors, but he didn't see any reason that they would not. It would be a "For your eyes only" type of situation where only the commander would have access to them.