Subject: "USS Grail: They Were Expendable"-`The Sacred Oath'

Ensign John Parker's Quarters

John walked briskly back into his quarters after his informal meeting with Commander Terrakian.

"Computer, establish a direct channel to Star Fleet Headquarters, Admiral St. John's office.".. Parker said as he dressed in a fresh uniform.

<This is Star Fleet Covert Operations. Please give your field name and authorization code immediately or this connection will be terminated.>..a Female Commander said.

Parker hated this part of contacting his field head quarters. He thought it an unnecessary precaution at the home base on Earth. But he knew that if he did not give the correct information in the time allotted that his connection would be terminated and his credibility as a secure agent would lost.

"Field Name: Star Stalker. Code: Alpha Alpha Beta 213 Charlie Enable".. Parker said.

<Hello Mr. Sulak, what can we do for you today?>..she said.

"I need to speak with Raven as soon as possible".. John said using the Admiral's field name as was expected.

<Transferring you now>..she said.

John waited as the seconds ticked by.

<Good Afternoon Sulak. What can I do for you today. It's a little early for a report from you.>..St. John said.

"This is not a report sir. I am calling to request that a copy of my entire records be sent to Commander Terrakian.".. Parker said.

<Sulak...John, we have discussed this before. The material in your records was classified a reason. If it became common knowledge that you worked hand in hand with the Maquis for several years than it could send repercussions all through out Command. Not to mention if the wrong people found out that you were still working for this office and acting as an unofficial over seer for this mission than the entire mission could be scrubbed.>

"Sir. I think it is very important, not to mention logical that at least one person on board the Grail know what I am. If I am ever caught in a bad position then it will be essential for someone to be able to back me up. I believe that the Commander is the best choice for that. The file should be sent to him "Your eyes only" and be accessible only to him.".. Parker said

<Very well Sulak. I am putting this in your shoulders. If this plan of yours should back fire than you will be on your own.>

"Like it is with all people in this branch sir. We know the oath we took, we live by it everyday. Ladybird lived by it as well. Then she died by it. I thank you for helping in this matter sir. Sulak out."

John sat back as the screen went dark. He was almost crying. His mind drifted back to the day where he lost his only love.



Agent Sulak had blended into the group of Romulan Technicians quite easily. With his mixed heritage it was hard to tell him apart from a normal Romulan after a few small modifications from surgery. His mission was to get as much information on the Romulan Fleet as possible.

The only difference between this mission and that of the many others he had carried out was that he was not alone this time. It was deemed as essential that a two member team carried out this mission. The only other member of John's outfit that was qualified just happened to be his mate, T'elara.

He had waited for several minutes for T'elara (ladybird). It was not like her to be late. John passed the time by accessing the data banks via a disguised tricorder made especially for the mission. Then he heard it. It was a scream.

He turned around in time to see T'elara being dragged away by a pair of guards. His first instinct was to run to her and beat the guards down. But his training took hold of him. It was not logical for him to sacrifice 2 months of covert operations. This mission had to succeed. Lives depended on it. They both knew the risks that were involved. She hadn't cried out to him. She would have not given away the mission like that. She understood.


Parker's quarters-

She understood. He kept telling himself that to this day. He was still crying.

"T'ELARA!!".. he yelled as he slammed his fist into desk leaving a huge dent in it.

His anger, left unchecked, could be quite dangerous at times.

Parker had learned long ago not to try to suppress his emotions. It was too hard on his human half. Instead he tried to channel them with the least amount showing to anyone. He was not entirely successful in his attempts at times. This was not the first desk that had his fist print embedded in it.