USS Grail: They Were Expendable-Parker-The Sacred Oath Part two-After nearly 20 minutes of heavy crying John Parker managed to get control of his emotions again. It had been nearly two years since he had lost T'elara. The pain was as real as the day it happened. The only difference was that he could now express those feelings. If he had dared to do it at the time, he would now be dead as well, or even worse, he would be telling everything he knew to the Romulans.
"Computer, display personal records of Ensign John Parker"
<That request can not be carried out. Star Fleet Command authorization of Alpha 1 or greater required.>
"Computer, authorization code Alpha Alpha Beta 213 Charlie Enable".. Parker said reciting his authorization code.
<Authorization Granted>
"Computer list entire file of records starting from Star Date 2394."
The computer replied with a listing of several different topics to choose from. The choices included service record, family history, commendations, awards and medals, current assignment, general biographical information, current status, and psychological profile.
"Computer what is the last entry to these records?".. Parker asked.
<There is a new entry under the heading of psychological profile. Entry entered 30 minutes ago by an unlisted source.>
"List the new entry for that topic."
A slew of information scrolled down the screen so fast that even Parker's advanced comprehension skills could not keep up.
"Computer, re-list file from the beginning, set on manual scroll."
Parker started to read the long list that he requested. Star Fleet had really outdone themselves this time.
-John Parker-
Subject is extremely emotional over events that happened in a classified mission. He blames himself to some extent over the death of his future wife.
Subject constantly tries to shield his emotions to others. When he is calm and in control, he shows remarkable talents in shielding his thoughts and emotions to both telepaths and counselors of varying degree. When he gets overly excited or frustrated he loses this control over his emotions and mind very quickly. To this day he has never let it interfere with his duties.
Subject is extremely duty bound and takes his work and duties very seriously.
Subject is...
"Damn Star Fleet and all their counselors.".. John said as he cut the connection.
John decided that he had had enough of command for the day and after checking his duty schedule to make sure he was not expected anywhere at the moment he decided to relax.
"Computer, have my data files been uploaded to the main system from Star Fleet Command yet?".. He inquired.
"Computer, display list of 20th Century sports. Display football. Display Kansas City Chiefs. Specific year 1998. Specific game 1998 Super Bowl game. Start holovid."
John sat back and transferred himself from his duty bound Vulcan half to his history loving and relaxing human half. History was one of John's favorite topics. Especially the 20th century. He loved sports of that era. They were brutal by current standards. He especially liked the Chiefs. He had been able to trace his mother's heritage on earth all the way back to a little town called St. Joseph, MO. The closest sports team to that area was the Kansas City Chiefs. It had become a favorite of his and his mothers.
The game went on for what seemed like hours. He knew how the outcome
of the game went. In the last 10 seconds of the game the Chiefs ran a
95 yard touchdown to win the Super Bowl.
John slowly drifted back to sleep. Then the dream came again.
"T'elara, I do not wish you to go on this mission. It will be very dangerous and I do not want anything to happen to you."
"Sulak, your concerns are completely illogical. We have been given a mission that two people must carry out. Next to you, I am the most qualified person for that job. Logic dictates that I be the one to accompany you.".. she said.
"Don't quote logic to me. You know my feelings about you. You know that I do not suppress my emotions as you do. It is not with in my capability. My objections stand."
"He could hear the scream from in the distance and turned to see his mate, his partner, his colleague being carried away by two sentinels. His lungs filled with air to scream. Bit something stopped him. It was not fear for being caught. It was not fear for his own safety. It was the oath. The sacred oath. The oath that no agent would ever break. He saw himself at the termination of his mate. Just as the disruptors fired at her he awoke.
"NO!!!!!".. he screamed as he awoke sweating from head to toe.