Grail: Laurie's IntroScience Officer R'Laurent could stare at Epic. *Him!* She thought *What in the name of Kahless is he doing here.* For reasons consciously unknown to her, Laurie began to hyperventilate. A deep, paralyzing fear ran through her body. *No....* she
thought to herself as she sat down. And then there was a long silence, internally and externally. The fear returned. *No. Get a hold of yourself, woman.* R'Laurent commanded herself. The edges of her vision faded. *In the name of Kahless, stop it!* The silence returned.
"Lieutenant Commander R'Laurent, Chief Science Officer, reporting as ordered, sir!" she managed to gasp out.
Epic's face seemed to fall. He seemed like he was about to say something. With a new found strength, Laurie stood.
"No." she commanded. "Look, Commander, in a rash moment, I took extreme measures to save your life. While I do not regret it," Laurie wondered if Epic would spot the blatant lie, "I think it is best if we go our separate ways." R'Laurent now stood at full attention, as she always did when nervous and silently prayed to be dismissed.
<<OOC: Your turn, John>>
R'Laurent sat in her office, still shaking after encounter with 'Cmdr. Dracula'. *Cummon, Laurie,* she thought, *Focus.* R'Laurent looked at the PADD in her hands. "What?" she said to no one. *So, is this what they're going to do with us? A repeat of the Nova?*
She tapped her comm badge. "R'Laurent to Mallory."
"Mallory here. Go ahead."
"Lieutenant, please report to my office at your earliest convince." Laurie sighed. *What is it with me and Borg?* she wondered as she waited for Mallory to report.