USS Grail- "They Were Expendable" - Reunification"Dismissed." Epic looked away from Laurie, enunciating the command.
She laughed mentally. It was a bitter laugh. When she wanted to stay, he wanted her to go. For two people who shared a soul, they were terribly out of synch. Laurie disregarded the command.
"Epic," She said gently, "I suspect that you are right." R'Laurent paused long enough to allow Epic's hopes to rise. She continued, "At one time, I did admit to myself that I loved you." Laurie paused.
*Yeah, that's right.* she thought to herself, *You just keep objectifying me.* "I believe that I was under the influence of emotions over which I had no control, which were amplified by the influence of others." Laurie inwardly laughed as she 'tasted' Epic's heart break.
There was a wicked glint in her eyes as she said, "My apologies, Commander."