Subject: Grail: Heritage

<<Eight Months After R'Laurent's Departure>>

"Uncle," R'Laurent smiled at her favorite uncle, Mellor, "This house is blessed with a double yoke from one egg."

The old Klingon smiled at his niece. "Does our house live?"

"The eldest is male, the younger female."

"You have done this house proud, my niece." His elation settled into a more practical frame of mind. "What shall you tell your husband?"

R'Laurent didn't consider the question just then, she already had, "He is old and dying. He needn't know."

"And the children?"

R'Laurent considered this question, "They will become old enough to sense that they are only quarter Klingon and that they have talents that others don't. They will be told that their father was sent on a suicide mission for his country and hasn't been heard from since."

"Have you plans for the children?"

R'Laurent did. They were the last thing she wanted, but the best thing. "They will reside with me on the Qullan, until they are old enough to be sent to the Martial Arts Academy."

"Is that wise?"

Once again, she considered the question. "They will need all of the self discipline they can get." A combination of her and Epic was danger, if left unchecked.

Her uncle nodded. "Very well."

R'Laurent sighed. *It looks like I'll always be reminded of Epic, no matter what.*