STARDATE 47307.17

The tissue samples extracted from the wounds of the injured during the rescue of the USS Indiana have shown bacteria, which after deep genetic and molecular studying I found out it is a genetic engineered strain of Treponema vulcanae, a bacterium found on Vulcan and on Romulan worlds. The questions to be answered are: one, how could these bacteria resist a disruptor charge? and two, is there any form of eradication?

I have reported the findings to Dr. Ramius and studies are being made.


STARDATE 47307.21

So far, almost all the injured crewmembers have been sampled in the hope of devising a new antidote that could eradicate the infection that has been bringing unconfort to the ship. I'm still needing a Romulan sample from Lt. Taralak. So far, he has not approached Sickbay.

Some people are starting to exhibit the early symptoms of the Vulcan syphillis but at a higher rate of onset. I'm still dubious about how to proceed. Dr. Ramius has established a more aggressive theraprutic regime. A General Quarters order will be established for the crew.


STARDATE 47307.23

After the Romulan spy killed himself, I am held as patient and being healed of my injuries. I'm having some hallucinations and the symptoms don't make me believe I'm suffering from the plague we discovered. It seems to be another thing which still we can't find out. At leat we have found out that the cure for the plague may be found at the planet called Kerestia, which seems to lie beyond the Great Brightness, a known star cluster.


STARDATE 47307.29

The General Quarters have ended. After ten days, the crew's health is getting worse. Many patients are at stage 3 of the disease, in a deep coma. Many have died from respiratory failure due to damage of the brainstem by the bacterium. Several stage 1 and 2 patients are confined to their quarters because there is no space on Sickbay for them. Medical attention is sometimes insufficient to attend all the medical complaints aboard.


STARDATE 47307.30

After a surgical procedure on myself, due to the damage caused by the Romulan probe in my brain, I have been selected for the First Contact away team to the planet Kerestia as medical officer, partly by my request to the Captain, and mostly because of my previous research on the bacterium and the illness called K'Pla. Every effort will be made in order to find the required antibodies that are produced by the natives, naturally immune to the disease.


STARDATE 47307.31

The travel through the Great Brightness has damaged the ship and the violent shaking is the cause of many injuries. Several emergencies have been attended shipwide. An emergency transport for Ensign Jamarshawhan was made to let him undergo immediate surgery.

Because of a system failure, the surgical procedure to Ensign Rumahwal Jamarshawhan, 31, a Science officer, was interrupted and we couldn't repair the damage on time. The patient died on stardate 47307.31, 12:58 hrs. due to massive hemmorrhage caused by aortic dissection. Death has been confirmed by standard procedures and report is being filed.

So far, I am going to be part of the First contact Team dispatched to Kerestia, in order to get some fresh blood for antibody manufacture and obtain some needed goods. Dr. Miranda St-Claire will be dispatched as well.





STARDATE 47308.03

After the Kerestian crisis Sickbay has suffered severe damage. We have also regretfully lost Dr. William Ramius, CMO, due to an unknown accident and partial assimilation. We have prepared the antibody solution but in a small amount. So far the results are prospectively good. The experimental shots made with Borg lymph nodes and Kerestian blood, and hypoinjected in Dr. St-Caire and me, have yielded excellent results. We expect to mass-product the antibody from a Borg drone for shipwide immunization and treatment.

Captain Terrakian arrived in a deep coma. So far we couldn't establish the cause and can't bring the Captain back from it.


STARDATE 47308.04

After a meeting we agreed to make antibody from a Borg drone, and the production (all security measures being taken) was satisfactory. A therapy schedule has been made for shipwide treatment.

Some hours ago Captain Terrakian and several of the Senior Staff members have fallen into an unknown-cause deep coma. For an unknown reason, Counselor Tzavaras asked me to put some children around the comatous Captain, the first to come. Then everyone who directly visited him fell into the same coma. Minutes ago they just vanished. The Traveller Calato argues they are 'out of time'. We still expect their return... wherever they are.


STARDATE 47308.15

Acting Captain Hillary Singh has called for a meeting in which we agreed to make a receiving commitee for the Maxim, a race of healers. We have arrived at their planetoid and when theit party came aboard, I was taken to a state of 'illusion', wherever it was. The Maxim made me recall things in order to create a story about my own traumatic experiences. After it was over, they made me reach Lt. Commander Hunt on the Bridge, where a clever maneuver from Lt. Castle and the Counselor made us break mind control from the Maxim and regain control of ourselves and the ship.

The relationship between myself and Dr. St-Claire has been deteriorating. We reached the bottom today with a heavy argument about chain of command and who had to be in charge. I hope this won't affect further work on Sickbay.

STARDATE 47309.15

After a being held captive by the Maxim for a month or so in a strange illusion, we have managed to escape Maxia along with some other ships. The planetoid is destroyed and we have escaped. Unfortunately, we've entered a strange pathway to another dimension.

Along with almost all of the crew we've brought almost fifteen hundred refugees from Maxia. Most of them are from known races, but only a few need major medical assistance. Dr. Mystique Hunt, on cryo until the Maxim incident, has incorporated to our staff.

Due to an unknown parasite implanted by the Maxim, Lt. Logan Castle has been sent to cryo, for a medical or surgical treatment is not available at the moment.

I have taken the quarters of late Dr. Ramius as mine on deck 8 and Dr. Mystique Hunt has got hers where I had mine, on deck 13.

STARDATE 47309.16

The finding that 68% of the females aboard are pregnant has shocked everyone of us. Investigations have been and are still being held and we have determined that females have been fertilized from semen taken from crew males. The case of Captain Terrakian is somewhat different; he has ben quite 'cloned'. The Sivaoan Jinx has been induced selective maturity for procreation.






Any questions, problems or comments welcome.

Just address to Dr. Oku Ramin!

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