Lt. (jg) Oku Ramin

Assistant Chief Medical Officer


Name: Oku Ramin

Terran Age: 26

Date of Birth: May 23rd, 2347

Place of Birth: Beringia, Thairia (Sirius VII)

Species: Thairian

Sex: male

Marital Status: Single

Physical Characteristics:

Eye Color: Red - As Thairian he has the ability to perceive a wider light spectrum (in part for the red pigment in his eyes) to both sides of it, ranging from UV-B rays to Class C infrared radiation.
Hair Color: Blue-green
Weight: 78 Kg (at Earth gravity)
Height: 1,83 m

Languages: Thairian, English, Spanish, Federation Standard, Kzinthi, Orionii

Interests: Music, guitar and keyboard playing, exobiology


- Graduated from Beringian Full School at age 16 with honors and mention in science
- Entered Starfleet Medical School at Io (Sol V-C)at age 17, graduated at age 22, 3rd in class, mentions in Klingon and Human physiopathology, and Neural Parasitology

Service Record:

- Entered service at USS Barnard (NCC-7079), standard medical ship as Resident on Internal Medicine at age 22

- Involved in the Horus II incident, stardate 49211.6: as medical officer, was transferred on stardate 48997.1 to the USS Fortress (NCC-29844)to serve as Secondary Medical Office with rank of Full Ensign. After a distress call from Horus II the ship attended the emergency; bad attitude toward Horusians made him guilty of medical malpractice and negligence in treating a worldwide epidemics on Horusian malaria: his failure caused 2 million deaths. Court-martialed and sentenced to stop practicing medicine in Federation worlds and a 2-year prison period at Ramal VIII.

Personality Profile: Suffered from Terran rheumatic fever at age 4, causing him mental disability for Thairian standards; genetic cloning of neural cells brought him back to normality several months later. He is an expert in exobiology so knows almost everything about life forms.

An excellent pilot and cold-blooded for taking decisions, he gets however a strange hate for Horusians, due to the loss of his father in the Horus Revolution when he was 8; he couldn't let it go. Very intelligent and great photographic memory.

Special Notes: As Thairian he is obedient but negligent when he thinks he is right. Has a scar due to a fight with a Klingon in his right arm.


Contact Doctor Oku Ramin