Lt. Major J'hon "Johnny" Roak

Company Commander, Omega Company

Name: J'hon Roak

Terran Age: 30 years

Date of Birth: July 11th, 2343

Species: Bajoran

Place of Birth: Denkirk, Bajor

Marital Status: Single

Physical Characteristics:
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Build: Muscular, lean
Other: Torso is covered with burns and scars, wears gold Bajoran earrings, considered good-looking by Bajoran standards

Languages: English, Bajoran, Cardassian

Interests: Terran Kendo, Shotokan Karate, Military History, Hiking & Camping, Meditation

2359-2361: Bajoran Defense Force Training, Location Classified
2371-2372: Starfleet Marine Corp Academy, Annapolis, Earth

Bajoran Service Record:
2361-2363: Master Sniper, Bajoran Defense Force
2364: Prisoner of War
2365-2367: Squad Leader, Bajoran Defense Force
2368-2369: Team Leader, Bajoran Defense Force
2370: Regional Leader, Bajoran Defense Force

Starfleet Marine Corp Service Record:
2372: Commissioned as Lieutenant-Major
2372: Detachment Commander, 32nd Space Mobile Detachment
2373: Demotion to 1st Lieutenant, See Court Martial Record
2373: Company Commander, Omega Company, USS Grail

2363 Bajoran Defense Force People's Cross
2366 Bajoran Defense Force Star of Honor
2367 Bajoran Defense Force Purple Heart
2368 Bajoran Defense Force Legion of Honor
2369 Bajoran Defense Force Silver Cross
2372 Starfleet Metal of Valor
2372 Marine Corps Purple Heart
2372 Starfleet Metal of Bravery and Courage

2371 Conduct Unbecoming an Officer
2371 Assault and Battery
2372 Insubordination

Court Martial Proceedings:
2373 Acting Without Orders, Conduct Unbecoming an Officer, Violation of the Prime Directive
[Ruling - Demoted to First Lieutenant, Official Reprimand]


J'hon Roak was born in the tiny backwater town of Denkirk, Bajor. Born during the Cardassian Occupation, J'hon was taught by his family to passionately hate their oppressors. His parents, Kyell and Melia Roak, were influential merchants, but heavily involved in the Bajoran Resistance. Eventually, a Bajoran traitor revealed their involvement, leading to their swift and brutal deaths. J'hon, at the age of twelve, witnessed their summary executions, an event that would forever influence his life.

J'hon later joined a local guerilla faction called the Bajoran Defense Force. He became an accomplished assassin and sniper, nicknamed "the Denkirk Devil." He was eventually captured and subsequently tortured for over a year by the Cardassians, who weren't satisfied with simply executing this infamous Bajoran. J'hon still bears the emotional and physical scars from this ordeal. His Cardassian captors used a branding iron, shaped like the Cardassian crest, to scar virtually every square inch of his torso. His back is scarred with whip marks and a long, ugly scar runs down the side of his face. He refuses to have cosmetic surgery, preferring to leave his scars as a badge of honor. Additionally, both of his triggerfingers were severed by the Cardassians. Since then, he has had cloned replacements surgically grafted.
J'hon eventually escaped imprisonment, killing the prison camp warden with a homemade shiv. After the war, J'hon joined the Starfleet Marine Corp as part of a cooperative defense intiative, and was granted the rank of Lieutenant-Major. He served with distinction for the past several years, until a recent Court Martial involving a violation of the Prime Directive.

He was busted down to Lieutenant and assigned to the USS Grail.

Personality Profile:
In many ways, J'hon is a paradox. Extremely patient, but also hot-tempered. Deeply spiritual, but a calculated killer. Often disobediant, but intensely loyal.

He has a deeply-entrenched belief system and a strong moral center. Not only does he have strong opinions, but is also vocal about them. The upside to this openness is the fact he never has a hidden agenda. He is generally very patient and thoughtful, but quick to anger when he sees a perceived injustice. He could be described as the advocate of the weak.
J'hon suffers from a severe case of pyrophobia, developed during his imprisonment. He has undergone extensive psychological rehabilitation, but still has an intense fear of open flames, which occasionally result in painful flashbacks.

Special Notes:
Due to the mental conditioning he developed during his imprisonment, J'hon is extremely adept at concealing his thoughts from empaths or telepaths. Additionally, he can retreat into a meditative trance that slows his metabolism and dramatically increases his resistance to pain.


Contact Lt. Major J'hon Roak