Sickbay is located in deck 12, in the saucer section. It has a regular capacity of 12 beds, adaptable to hold up to 25 in emergency situations. It also contains a BioLab, a cryogenic chamber and the CMO's office.
Each bed is connected to the medical computer, a server of the ship's main computer, in such a way that each patient is monitorized every second:
Also, the monitorization shows the DNA pattern of the patient, and checks for any possible cellular dysfunction.
The Patients' Ward is the main area of Sickbay, where the majority of patients are attended. Minor trauma, small fractures and ambulatory care are attended and solved there. The normal availability of beds is of 25, extendable according to the requirements of any given situation.
The Iso-Ward is an isolation chamber for patients whose illnesses put themselves or the crew at risk of the disease.
The isolation works either for patients who need isolation to avoid contagion from others, or who can spread the illness to others. The containment fields are five, one of each kind. The systems are capable of attending any emergency by producing any sort of radiation or detecting any change so the physicians can take care of it.
The biobeds can serve anytime as operating table. A special isolation field is set anytime a surgical intervention is required.
The equipment required for surgery is stored on a special cabinet on Sickbay, near the main panels. The equipment is listed on the inventory page.
A surgical intervention cannot be authorized by any medical officer. The authorized personnel are: the CMO, the ACMO, the Chief Surgeon and the Assistant Chief Surgeon.
The BioLab has the most advanced research and analysis equipment. It's located inside Sickbay, and its maintennance is in charge of the CMO/ACMO. It is linked with the other scientifc stations aboard and to Sickbay's main computer.
Among the tests performed there, the DNA sampling, blood/immune system testing, cellular and subcellular analysis, and microbiologic cultures are the most used for helping the patients recover from their illnesses by helping the staff on making the most accurate diagnosis when taking care of them.
The main computer in Sickbay has access to every file, every personal medical register and every system aboard, if the user is authorized to get the clearance.
The computer is also linked via subspace net transmission to every available medical/scientific database in Federation space, from the Vulcan Science Academy to the Federation Annals of Medicine; it can also reach any non-Federation database with authorization. However, this link depends on the distance from the databases to the ship's position.
The cryogenic compartments allow Sickbay to hold up to 25 corpses to perform autopsy and related studies. They are maintained with sterile, level 3 fields to avoid decomposition and a temperature of 100 K (-173ºC, -279ºF) that ensures perfect conservation and cellular stability.
The computer keeps a perfect record of these conditions and can modify them to save some species that can degenerate at those standard conditions, although very unlikely.
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