The needs of a Galaxy-class starship, due to the amount of people aboard, needs a full-time, well-trained and hearted team that is able to respond with no delay to any medical situation. Most of this staff has graduated from the Starfleet Medical Academy at the Jupiterean moon of Io (Sol V-C), and whoever hasn't, is certified by this Academy with a commendation.


Every single member of the Medical Staff has made the Hypocratic Oath (I swear before the eyes of Apollo, Sculapius, Hygeia and Panacea, that I will...) as well as their oath to Starfleet, to protect life and help the dying to reach a honorable death.


The duties of the medical staff are:


 To respond effectively and rapidly to any medical situation aboard.

 To help, if ordered, on any medical situation outside the ship.

 To respect and take care of life, no matter what kind.

 To take care of every situation, according to their own abilities.

 To work according to the basic principles of Bioethics: autonomy, beneficence, justice

 To perform their duties regardless of:

Any action that shall break these principles violates every oath and regulation that these people are subject of, and shall be penalized with the deserved action.


Currently, three doctors and three nurses take care of the nearly one thousand people aboard each shift period.

The hierarchy of work is very simple:

The Chief Medical Officer or CMO has the lead and the direct coordination of actions with the command crew, especially the captain. The CMO has the authority to relieve any officer aboard from duty if the circumstances, according to his/her judgement, deserve that action. The CMO must work two of three daily shifts. One of them must be Alpha shift. He/she can activate the EMG on his/her own needs and replicate any substance.

The Assiatant Chief Medical Officer (ACMO) is the second in the medical chain of command; he/she is in charge of checking every patient and reporting them to the CMO once every shift. He/she must yake care of any hospitalized patient and be alert for any emergency. He/she can also activate the EMH to what they believe necessary and replicate any substance.

The regular medical officers (MO) or physicians take care of patients, make emergency rocedures and have to make the medical histories of every patient in Sickbay. They can't activate the EMH in cases of non-emergency or non-surgery situations. They can't replicate toxic substances unless authorized by the CMO or the ACMO.

The Chief Nurse has to take care of every patient in Sickbay, by staying there during his/her shift and notifying any change in the patient's condition to the MO's. Also, he/she has two nurses per shift on his/her command, who take care of feeding, comforting, and applicate drugs or devices to the patients, as scheduled by any MO.

Once every month and when the patient has a rare, unseen or difficult illness, the Medical Staff meets during Alpha Shift to discuss cases, elaborate statistics, and, if possible, publish papers for any Journal in the Federation. They also discuss any educational program to the crew and any away-team medical action.



The Medical Staff has certain freedoms:

However, the restrictions are heavy, too.





Alpha (Red)

Oku Ramin

Miranda St-Claire

Mystique Hunt

Nara Laraan

Joaquín Méndez

Lothar Didiarn

Chief Medical Officer

Assistant Chief Medical Officer

Medical Officer

Chief Nurse



Beta (Blue)

Oku Ramin

Mystique Hunt

Hasi Godan

Nara Laraan

Bishar Padran

Chief Medical Officer

Assistant Chief Medical Officer


Chief Nurse


Gamma (Green)

Klava Pastrami

Hashiko Fujiyama

Bodran Yani

Medical Officer




Any questions, problems or comments welcome.

Just address to Dr. Oku Ramin!

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